PS don't only do upperbody
Quick article I wrote
One thing many young athletes today lack strength in the weight room. Many can't squat there body weight even! To be a great athlete in Football, Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer and other sports you will need strength. In football you may need to break a tackle or tackle someone. In baseball you may need to rob a home run or hit a homerun. In basketball you may need to out jump someone for the rebound. In tennis you may need to serve the ball or you may need to run and backhand it back at your opponent. In soccer you may need to kick it past the goalie or you may have to run faster then your opponent to steal the ball away from him. Some ways to improve strength is to hit the weight room, not just men, women to can improve strength and not bulk up. If they wanted to they could. Men usually like to look strong and be strong. It doesn’t mean though you won't be strong if your not some huge bodybuilder. When people think of power they think of bodybuilders or people lifting cars up. Power=Strength x Speed. Okay back on topic many young athletes lack strength like I said before but usually have good speed. If you neglect strength but work on speed this could be you, a strength rating of 2 and a speed rating of 4. Power=8. Think if you just maintained your speed but added strength you could look like this, 4 speed and 3 strength now Power=12, so when training don’t forget one part of training usually strength is neglected so I used examples of that. One program what is good for strength is the “Westside for skinny Bastards” program.
Q and A
Will weightlifting stunt my growth?
NO. Studies have shown it will not but having bad form could reck your plates.
How do I start?
I would start with a very basic program like…..
Squats 2-3 x 10
Bench 2-3 x 10
Leg Curl 2 x 10
Pull ups 2 x a little less then what you can do.
Deadlift 2-3 x 10
Lat Pulldown 2 x 10
Lunges 2 x 10
Push ups 2 x a little less then what you can do.
Work on form more then how much weight you can put on. Also change this program every so while once you start platueing. This is very basic and not a great program but it can get you started.
Will weights make you slow?
It may but just do plyometrics like lateral cone hop, box jumps, depth jumps, etc..
Do you have to squat 1.5 times your body weight to do plyometrics?
No that is mainly for high intensity plyometrics. H.I.=Depth jumps LI or MI=Rim Jumps Sprints.
I will answer more questions and go more in depth in other articles my next article will be about vertical jumping.