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Information devulged by employer
[ 1 Answers ]
I work for a company and have a delivery route (rental of uniforms ,the customers takes the same delivery every week as does all my other accounts)and my employer has put my full name on the invoice without my consent(my customers have seen me week in week out for 5 plus years)I have told them I...
Wrong employer information for garnishment
[ 3 Answers ]
I have a good friend of mine who has been divorced for a few years. In December she went back to court for an increase in her child support, which she was granted. He brought his paystubs to court and they took that information for the garnishment ( I'm guessing, I don't know how the system...
HIPAA Law Regarding Former Employer Releasing Information
[ 6 Answers ]
I am currently unemployed. I approached a staffing company which asked me for two supervisory references, which I provided. Upon contacting my former employer to check the references the staffing company told me my ex-supervisor was reluctant to talk to him citing a company policy against giving... View more questions Search