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My 10 year old house trained dog has started pooping in the house.
[ 1 Answers ]
Please help my 10 year old dog has started pooping on the landing of my home. Its always in the same place no matter how much I scrub and steam clean he still does it there. Its always outside my bedroom door. He sleeps with my mother down the hall and ever since I moved home after 4 years of...
My Pit Bull is 5 years old and completely house trained but recently started urinatin
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Our pit-bull is about 5 years old and completely house-trained but recently a few days ago started urinating in the house right in front of us without even asking to go out and she is acting a little sluggish-she is overweight. Do you know what could be causing this behaviour?
10 Month trained puppy started going in cage/house
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My 9 month old puppy has been fully house broken for quite a few months. On average he can "hold it" about 7 hours (longer overnight). And he NEVER went in his cage. Over the past two days he has pooed and peed in both his cage and inside the house. All while we are gone. He has not been left...
Getting started with gymnastics
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I was wundering... I'm 15 n I'm in me last yr at skul and I'm wanting to do gymnatics I love it but I need to get started all the skuls I have been to didn't do gymnastics for my age and I'm stuck.. can you help me pllzzz Thanks danielle xxxxx View more questions Search