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Help finding a good car for a good deal
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Me and my Fiancé are going to buy a car very soon, and neither one of us know what type of car to get, because we don't know anything about cars. What we want in a car: -sedan (small, but not too small, as in 4 door.. ) -good mpg -looks good (not sporty, but not weird either) -won't fall...
From a bad reltionship to a good but that turned bad to!
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Hi People, I am a newbie here, I will have to start from the beginning I was going through a bad relationship a few years ago, I was going through domestic violence etc etc. After I gave birth to my daughter I then decided that I didn't want her around violence and arguments everyday so I told...
Finding a bad phone jack
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All my pnoe jaccks have no dail tone.I have about ten in the house ,I did to know how I would find out which one is bad,I believe this line is what is referred to as a piggy back since I have just one line for all jacks.I have allreay checked the nic box and there is a dail tone there just not...
Finding good renters
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Hello, I have a home that I recently put up for rent. I have never rented out property before. Does any one have any suggestion or advise in finding good renters? I posted it on a classified section at my work and put signs in the yard. I also put ensentives that IF the rent is paid on...
I really need help finding a song really bad...
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Hello everyone I really need help finding a song But I don't no who sings it but it's a pretty gay song but its funny Some of the lyrics are like this... > She had a boy friend who looked like a girl friend> And so on that's pretty much all I no So if you can please help me find out how to... View more questions Search