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    brandon_koolkid's Avatar
    brandon_koolkid Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 30, 2011, 03:21 AM
    I'm looking for a music video
    In the video two guys are singing, one had cornrows and the other had a colored Afro, and in the video a man talks to a begger and gives him money, the begger leaves the money, goes into a stoe and gets a job.

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Music video [ 0 Answers ]

Hi okay so there is this music video and it's a guy and a girl and it takes place in a bathroom, in the bedroom, he is taking pictures of her, it's a love song, she gets mad and wants to leave... PLEASE TELL ME THE NAME OF THIS SONG!

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This music video was a rap type.And I was little when I watched this but in it was brown cat that had black glasses and blue pants,even sneakers :)) . And he was dancing with some girl it may be Janet Jackson but not sure... If someone can recognize it please let me know... Thank's

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Any help would be nice, thanks 283c7wPaDcg

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