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    jacobbradshaw Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Apr 23, 2010, 06:48 PM
    Need help with music video - description only
    Hello there,

    I have been on the hunt for this particular video for many years but I have no idea what it is. As it was so long ago, I cannot remember very much about the video except for a few bits and pieces.

    - First, I know the video was not a rap or country video.

    - I saw it on MTV2 around 2000-2001

    - It was an animated music video. I don't remember if there was any shots of the band playing but I don't remember any.

    - One of the scenes in the music video was an animated helicopter flying over a city street.

    - I remember a car pulling up to the side of a curb and (maybe) a figure stepping out of it?

    - I remember there was a scene in a diner. This is what I remember most vividly. Two characters are at the diner counter. One character pushes a plate with a hamburger over to the other person and it shows a zoomed in shot of the plate with the burger on it being slid over. Right after that, the other character slides a green dollar toward the character who slid the burger on plate. Zoomed in shot of the dollar being slid over.

    - The characters had very weird looks on their faces. Describe weird? I don't know. Just odd looking in appearance.

    I know that isn't much to go on but if anyone can help me figure this out, I will be more than grateful.


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