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Who sings this song or what is the song title?
[ 16 Answers ]
I'd like to know who sings or the song title of these lyrics: " I owe you (or IOU) oh you got to me, I'm gonna love you right back, I'm gonna repay you with love baby"
Song Name And Artist Who Sings It !
[ 12 Answers ]
Ok... I'll cut to the chase... been looking for this song for about 2 weeks and still cannot find an answer to who sings it and what it's called! :( It's quite a 80s - 90s song, and it's dance/pop-ish. I'm sure it's called "Ooh La La La...I love you baby!"... but I could be wrong... The chorus...
Who's sings this song... or name of song
[ 3 Answers ]
Song for the early 80's... love song... lyrics I remember... I knew that there was nothing I wanted to do but spend my life with you... I want to hold you in my arms and tell you what I want to do...
I need to know the artist that sings this
[ 1 Answers ]
"Just the other day I ran into a good old friend of yours, I had to ask her how have you been, she told me you were engaged and happy, my heart fell to the floor, I know it should've been me,but I couldn't see you with no one else but I'll believe it Chorus When I see you standing there I'll ... View more questions Search