Ooooh how interesting!
1. I volunteer every other week, on a Saturday with a company that teaches children with autism or behavioral eccentricities how to correctly behave and give them a learning environment filled with love and patience. When I was 8-17 I was a girlscout, so I did things like volunteer with Choc, do clothes drives with Salvation Army, and beach clean ups for awards like Badges or the Silver Award.
2. In college, I do absolutely nothing for my school nor do I ever intend to. In my girlscout years, I collected those box tops and soda can toppers for fundraising for things like pencil boxes x) and COOKIES.
3. I do absolutely nothing for my local area except support the economy by eating out and buying the occasional pack of gum. Like I said, I volunteered a lot and did a lot of litter picking, graffiti cleaning, and things like that... for badges.
4. I hope for the LGBT group to be socially acceptable the way colored peoples were accepted by the white people. When multicultural and biracial marriages are as common as homosexual marriages. I hope for educated opinions and say-it-only-if-it-needs-to-be-heard and not say-it-because-you-want-to people. I hope for mo' moneys and mo' honeys. I hope for world hunger to be cured because in America it is impossible to starve to death because no one is willing to help. I hope for a something like a vaccine for cancer. When I was 10-15, I'd have said "world peace" and "mindfulness of the world around you" or something not-so-smart sounding but along those lines.