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Writ of Execution - PA
[ 4 Answers ]
Hi, Today I received a writ of execution which seized by bank accounts. The judgement is for much more than I have in the bank. I am concerned because my paycheck is direct deposit which goes into one of the accounts that has a hold put on it. I tried to stop my direct deposit for my payday this...
Writ of execution
[ 2 Answers ]
I live in Oklahoma the father of my son was deported to Mexico with no return in 2009. That put him behind on his child support payment, he owes me 20,000.00 and it will keep adding up. My question is 4 vehicles are under his name how can I take them for him owning me child support? What form to...
Difference between Writ of Possession and Writ of Execution
[ 4 Answers ]
My question: What is the difference between a Writ of Possession and a Writ of Execution?
Writ of execution and writ of possession?
[ 1 Answers ]
I understand a writ of possession is complementary to a writ of execution. Under the law, a writ of execution prescribes after a number of years, say 5 years. Supposing the period to execute a judgment of the court has prescribed and the judgment was only partially executed as when for instance... View more questions Search