New Member
Apr 30, 2016, 04:37 PM
What constitutes business days
I have fifteen days to respond to a notice, if the 1st of the month lands on a Sunday, does that mean I get an extra day because the next business day is Monday.
Uber Member
Apr 30, 2016, 05:00 PM
Unless it specifically states so, no, you have 15 days. Make sure you get it there in 14.
May 1, 2016, 02:12 AM
Does it state specifically business days. Or just 15 days ?
May 1, 2016, 04:50 AM
Add 15 days from the date of the letter and respond before then, but why would you wait until the last minute?
Uber Member
May 1, 2016, 05:45 AM
Also many places specify they must have RECEIVED an answer by then..(do not assume anything), not that you have that long to actually decide to send something out.
As was mentioned... wait until the last minute... then expect things to go wrong for you. You will usually be responsible for things that might actually be beyond your control.
Paying extra for tracking numbers, etc. is always a good idea to prove it was actually sent when you claim it was sent.
May 1, 2016, 06:29 AM
This in the small claims section, so I assume this is a court document you received. If so, you have 15 days from the date of the letter/document, not 15 business days.
To to make is simpler, if the letter/document is dated on May 1, the court must receive your document by the 16th of May.
Pets Expert
May 1, 2016, 03:11 PM
I have fifteen days to respond to a notice
That says it all. You have 15 days. Not 15 business days, but 15 days. So 15 days from the date you go the notice. No Sunday's off, no weekends off, just 15 days from the date you got it. Add 15 to the date you received this notice, and that's the day it has to be in by.
May 2, 2016, 05:17 AM
In any event, 15 days from Sunday, May 1st will fall on Monday, May 16th.
If, on the other hand, the notice is not a court summons or other deadline but rather a demand letter, contractual clause, or whatever which explicitly specifies 15 business days, it normally would mean Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. So that would be until May 20th.
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