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Can I take Sears to Small Claims for the following
[ 11 Answers ]
On August 22, 2017 a Craftsman riding lawn mower that I purchased at Sears for $2,300 was delivered to my home. On September 18, 2017 I attempted to run the mower but couldn't get the cutting blades to turn run while the drive mode was engaged. I called Sears customer service that day to explain to...
Employment lawsuit or small claims suit
[ 1 Answers ]
My question is how do I get an out of state company that worked me in a different state to pay me for all the time they owe me for working out of my state, and hospital bills accrued by their mistreatment? This company hired me and worked me for 3 months. They didn't have enough money to afford...
HSBC small claims law suit.
[ 8 Answers ]
I am being sued by HSBC in small claims for $1,294.00. I have been making payments with the law office (debt collectors) for several months. I was unable to make the payment in April due to being hospitalized. When I realized that I could not make that payment I called and spoke with the man...
Small claims suit against employer?
[ 4 Answers ]
I'm out of work on legitimate disability and will probably lose my job either before I come back or they'll think of some reason to fire me shortly after I return. (I've seen them do this to a handful of people). I'm filing a claim with AFLAC, which is offered through my employer and I pay premiums...
Small Claims Suit Against Prior Landlord
[ 2 Answers ]
Good Morning, I filed a small claims suit on yesterday against my prior landlord for violation of Chapter 92of the Texas Property Code. He did not refund my security deposit or send me an itemized statement of damages within 30 days. When I got home and check my mail I had a check in there from... View more questions Search