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Can I go to small claims court?
[ 10 Answers ]
I lent friend of mine 11000$ back in June of 2009 so that he could purchase a car. He told me that he would pay me back in full by Labour Day of that same year. There were a few bumps along the way and about a 18 months after Labour day 2009, I started to get the feeling that he was lying to me...
Friend claims I owe him money and is taking it to small claims court
[ 2 Answers ]
I was on holiday with a friend who booked and paid for a trip. When we got home he asked me for the money for this trip. He never told me how much it cost or that he would want me to contribute until afterwards. I have told him that he should have asked first and I wouldn't have gone as I cannot...
Small Claims Court
[ 47 Answers ]
I have been sued in Small Claims Court by a debt collector. I filed an answer and then received a pretrial conference order. I would like to file a motion to dismiss because debt collectors can not sue in small claims court in Texas. I would like to know if I can file my motion now or must I wait...
Small Claims Court
[ 1 Answers ]
Hello Every One, My question tonight is about suing in small claims court.. Really its more about what am I allowed to sue for.. I entered in to a verbal agreement with a old friend of mine to help him out.. Honestly to help him stay out of jail. He was on house arrest and needed a phone so I... View more questions Search