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Is there a specific form in Maryland to make a Motion to Vacate Judgement
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I had settled a debt with the Atty representing the debt collector prior to the court date. They advised me that there was no need to show up in court, as they will not be there. Today, I got notice from the court that an Affidavit of Judgement in favor of the Plaintiff was given. Neither...
I would like to file a motion to vacate a renewal of judgement
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I would like to file a motion to vacate a renewal of judgement. It is from California and I live in Florida. Do I need an attorney or can I file this myself? Where do I get the proper docuemts and where can I obtain the education to file properly? The judgemnt comes from a suit that I should...
Vacate a judgement renewal.
[ 2 Answers ]
My husband and I were sued in 1999 and a judgement was granted in the creditor's favor. The judgement included attorneys fees and the kitchen sink. This year, my husbands wages were garnished for this debt but prior to this, the creditor made no effort to collect that we're aware of. (We have...
California Form - Motion to Vacate to Modify Renewal of Judgment
[ 2 Answers ]
I have been served in California with a Notice of Renewal of Judgment under the 10 year rule. I want to object to this renewal, and make a motion to vacate or modify the renewal with the court. What form do I use to make that motion?
Motion to vacate judgement
[ 1 Answers ]
All my money in my bank accounts are currently frozen due to a judgement. The collection agency is demanding I pay the total amount due up front. I do not have this money. I called the courts and they said I need to file a motion to vacate the judgement. I am willing to let them garnish my... View more questions Search