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County to county transfer from correctional facility
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My husband has 120 days in johnson county, tx correctional facility and has to go through a program called hope for frug rehab.. he gets out at 4am and has to return at 6pm.. he lives in parker county, tx and spends 60 dollars a day in gas and drives about 100 miles a day to get back and fourth to...
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How to transfer felony probation from santa clara county to san bernardino county?
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In the state of Missouri, If you rent an apartment and are currant on your rent, but you do have warrants for your arrest. Is that enough tfor the Police to get a search warrant into your apartment? And if o, can the Landlord let them in? And can the Landlord let them in without a search warrant?
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I'm thinking about getting a West Highland Terrier pup and would like to hear from someone who has this breed of dog. How are they with older children. Do they get along well with other pets? Are they cuddly lap dogs? Would you recommend this breed for a family pet? View more questions Search