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    Jon Lee's Avatar
    Jon Lee Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 3, 2007, 07:00 PM
    I am getting sued
    I was driving a car that was not under my name but my dad name and my name was not on the insurance and I got in a car accident :mad: by another car but my dad insurance is not paying for the other car that I got in a accident with and my dad is getting sued by the girl I got in a car accident with but when I talk to my dad lawer he said that my dad can't get sued because he wasn't driving I was but the girl I got in accident with she got a lawer but when my dad lawer talk to her lawer he found out that her lawer is not doing business with her because there's no money involved and I wanted to know what's going to happen to me if I go to court one thing is I don't got a job or I don't have any money what's going to happen to the case :confused: she had no insurance and a expires Driver license and this happen in Texas
    RichardBondMan's Avatar
    RichardBondMan Posts: 832, Reputation: 66
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    May 3, 2007, 07:25 PM
    Did you live with your Dad when the accident happened? If so, how long ago did you move in with him or have you been living with him for quite a while? Or did you have your own place separate from his when the accident occurred ?I have other questions, but first need to know answers above before I can give you any opiniions.
    Jon Lee's Avatar
    Jon Lee Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 3, 2007, 07:41 PM
    I been living with my mom and dad for a long time I never had my own place got no money for all that and yes I was living with my dad when the accident happened and I'm 21 year of age
    RichardBondMan's Avatar
    RichardBondMan Posts: 832, Reputation: 66
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    May 3, 2007, 08:04 PM
    Then you Dad / Mom should have disclosed you as living in the household and then your Dad / Mom would have had the opportunity to either cover you and list you as a driver and pay the add'l premium that would have been generated since I assume you are a young, perhaps, teenage driver. Otherwise, your parents could have chosen not to pay the add'l prem, not cover you (exclude you from coverage). If you were excluded from driving, that means you should not have been driving as the insurance company will normally decline to pay if you are excluded and involved as a driver in an accident. I think since your Dad / Mom own the vehice and it was there vehicle that caused injuries/damage to others, then you Dad / Mom would possibly be liable as owner of the vehicle. Sounds like the person (girl) you mentioned should not have been driving but I don't know that that matters. Fact is, from what you describe, you apparently caused her a loss and she has a legal right to pursue you/your Dad/Mom for her losses. If you are the only one liable, not your Mom or Dad, and you have no insurance, no money, no job, then what she get if you have nothing. Answer is a legal judgement she can't collect since you have nothing.
    Jon Lee's Avatar
    Jon Lee Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 3, 2007, 08:18 PM
    O OK but what happen if the judge check my back ground and my bank account and the car that I was driving is now under my name and I got insurance for it and my dad didn't want me on the insurance because I really don't do nothing I don't work I got no where to go I never had a job in my life only one job and I work at that frist job I ever had I only work there for a week and a half and I found the key to the car and just drove it so what is going to happen to the case
    RichardBondMan's Avatar
    RichardBondMan Posts: 832, Reputation: 66
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    May 3, 2007, 08:28 PM
    How do you have a bank acct with no job? If you have insurance, ask that insurance company to pay. If you don't have insurance, then pay out of your bank acct. You have to give some definite more accurate answers. What do you mean you "found the key, just drove it" ? Is the car you were driving yours or not ? Good questions will get you good answers, unclear answers will just get you guesses. If you put in bad questions, you will get bad answers. So give us some good clear questions, facts, otherwise I (nor anyone else here) can help.
    Jon Lee's Avatar
    Jon Lee Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 3, 2007, 08:39 PM
    Will at the time of the accident the car was not under my name but now its under my name the car because my dad gave me the car he didn't want to be involved so I put the car under my name and got insurance and I had a bank acct because I said I only had one job in my life was a year ago and when I got pay with the check at the job I had year ago I open a bank acct and that money that I work for a year ago been in my banck acct for a longtime so I us the money to switch the car under my name and buy insurance but now I don't have a job or money and nobody want me to work for them because I don't have exp
    RichardBondMan's Avatar
    RichardBondMan Posts: 832, Reputation: 66
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    May 3, 2007, 08:53 PM
    Sounds like you were excluded from driving your Dad's veh by his ins company and the car, at the time of the accident was in his name, so if I were her atty, I would not go after you unless you had insurance which you didn't, I would go after him since he was the owner of the vehicle not you since you you also don't have any money. Expect your driver license to be suspended or revoked until such time as the girl is made whole from the accident you caused one way or another, either by you, your Dad or your Dad's insurance.
    Jon Lee's Avatar
    Jon Lee Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    May 3, 2007, 09:05 PM
    What you mean when you said Expect your driver license to be suspended or revoked until such time as the girl is made whole from the accident you caused one way or another, either by you, your Dad or your Dad's insurance. Will when she got a lawer and then lawer didn't want to do business with her because there's no money involved that's what my dad lawyer said
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 3, 2007, 10:14 PM
    If you are sued for the damages and you can not pay for those damages, normally the state will take away your drivers license till you pay for the damages. So they will suspend or revolk your drivers licnese until such time as you pay for all the damages you causes.

    If you used someone's car without permission, they could charge you with thief.

    Now I will say at least in GA where I was a police officer, if the owner of the car gave you permission to use it, they can be sued, if you did not have permission, they have to press charges against you for the thief of that car, of it means you had permission. So at least if you were in GA if the owner of the car does not charge you with thief of the car, you had their permission to use it, and thus they can be sued and held liable for part of the damages. ( of course their attorney will say they won't pay, but you never know till the trial is over.)

    And they want to sue your dad, since you most likely ( and this is a guess) don't have enough money in the bank to just write them a check for the damages, if you have the money in the bank, just write thema check and be done with it.

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