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The marketing department at Cable TV (CTV) wants to know how promotional advertising
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The marketing department at Cable TV (CTV) wants to know how promotional advertising affects the number of viewers for the Saturday Night Movie. Research shows that 10 million viewers watched the movie when CTV ran 15 one-minute ads on Friday. When they ran 25 one-minute ads on Friday, the movie...
Need help with Cleaning business marketing Script.. to get bids
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Hello everyone, Im in the midst of Trying to get new contracts for my cleaning business,I'm in kanasas City, Missouri,Is there anyone out there that can give me some suggestion on the best way to do this, I have 2 contracts right now, trying to obtain around 25 by the end of the year is my...
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Hello I just started my own cleaning business 5months ago with my husband I have one contract so far... its a small restaurant cleaning once a week which is not much... I just basically looked through the phone book and that's how I got it really called a bunch of people and got lucky... What...
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I have started a residential cleaning service recently, but I don't know exactly how to perform marketing to increase clients. What is the greatest and most guarantee way to gain clients? View more questions Search