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What happens if someone from usa is in canada illegaly
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If a person from the usa has crossed into canada illegaly and is caught
I want to go in canada from the USA can I?
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I came from Europe (Italy) and I want to go in Canada from the Usa but I want to stay more then a week they take my I 94 w?if yes and I want to return in the Usa they give me another I 94 w or can I ask a I 94?:)
Immigration - USA or CANADA
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Does anyone know, or have a good idea of what the USA will gain from giving amnesty to illegals and opening the door to major future immigration from Mexico? There definitely has to be more than just 'cheaper labor to help the farmers'. I'm wondering if there are some negotiations that might...
4 year LD USA/Canada .
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I met my boyfriend now ex.. on icq 4 years ago we chatted for about 8 months and then he flew me to canada. We did this back and forth back and forth invested a lot into the relationship.. some my money but a lot his part cause he had a higher position at work then me.. we both have finished... View more questions Search