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How to write a letter to a professor
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I am going to graduate this year, I want to apply to a graduate school overseas. But as I am not used to writing letters in English, not to mention to write to a profressor, would anybody please tell me how to write a letter to a professor?
How to write an introductory letter
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Just wondering how to write an introductory letter and if I could get a sample... that'd be great
How do I write an introduction letter
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How do I write a good introduction letter in the right format, to introduce my new products. Help is required. Thanks.
How to write a introduction letter
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Hi all I need some help to write a introduction letter. I just started as a loan officer and I also do insurance on site! I want to write a letter to all of my insurance client to tell them about my new career and the new team that I'm working with! But I have serious language problems! HELP!:(
How to write an introduction letter?
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I am going to introduce my company and products to a potential customer Please show me a sample of FORMAL introduction letter Thanks a lot! View more questions Search