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I just started a cleaning business and am leaning to doing commercial cleaning.
[ 0 Answers ]
I started a commercial cleaning business and have a friend that has a lot of knowledge and contacts with people that could use cleaning services and is a hard worker. He is not my partner, but has been with me since the beginning in discussions of who to market and he even purchased business cards...
I just opened a small cleaning business but no business help?
[ 8 Answers ]
I just opened a small residential, commercial and janitrial business but I am not getting any responses. I have joined the chamber of commerce, I am listed on Google, natinal black pages, have a website and angies list. I don't know what else to do. I have been open 2 months and I am thinking of...
HOW to obtain cleaning contracts and also how todo marketing for my cleaning business
[ 13 Answers ]
Hello I just started my own cleaning business 5months ago with my husband I have one contract so far... its a small restaurant cleaning once a week which is not much... I just basically looked through the phone book and that's how I got it really called a bunch of people and got lucky... What...
Cleaning business
[ 1 Answers ]
I to am getting ready to start my own cleaning business here in Ohio. In my area there are not a lot of bigger cleaning businesses, I do know that there are a few of the one or two person operations. None of which are listed in any local directory. So I know where I need to first start the... View more questions Search