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Alley behind houses
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There was an old alley long time ago behind a house I live in. It was abandoned by the Borough. A house was built on part of it. The other part is now grass with large trees growing. The part of the alley where the house is not on is 15 feet wide by 100 feet long. People who have been living...
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I was watching a japanese or chinese film the other day with subtitles. It was set in "pig ally" and all the people had kind of super powers. One man fought with shower rings round his wrists and some people could scream so loud. One guy pretended to be a hairdresser and cut a guys hair real bad...
On a long alley, a bowling ball slows down as it rolls. Is any horizontal force acting
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What was the TV show about a guy opening a bowling alley in his home town?
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What was the TV show a few years ago about a guy returning to his home town and running a bowling alley? Thanks. View more questions Search