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Hobby Suggestions
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I have a brainstorm for you AMHD persons. I need a hobby :D This is what I like, my cats, my dog, my rabbit, I like to read (when I am not cleaning, working 8-5, or laundry.) I feel I would be a more happy person if I had a hobby. I live on an acreage, which I moved to for my husband. I...
Suggestions.. portugal
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I've never been to Lisbon, Portugal and will be spending 5 weeks there. Anyoen have any suggestions sites to visit, places to go, things to do. Anything really. (include night llife if you could :-) ) Also, anyone know if there are beaches near Lisbon? THANKS
Need Some Suggestions
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Well, My Problem Is My 9 Mth Old Daughter Will Not Sleep In Her Own Bed. She Will Not Sleep Anywhere Without Me! I Try To Put Her In Her Crib, But She Just Won't Go In There. She Thinks It Is For Playing In, And Not For Sleeping In. I Am Not A Big Fan Of Letting Her Cry It Out, But If That Is The...
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Hi all, I know there are a few Linux peeps out there, so I was wondering if they could help me choose a version of Linux to run on my PC. So far I've tried Gentoo, Suse 9, Red Hat 9 and Mandrake. Out of all of those, Mandrake is the only one I have got to work. Red Hat installed fine, but I... View more questions Search