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Cream of Tartar and baking soda vs. baking powder
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So I tried to make from scratch cookies, and the recipe called for cream of tartar and baking soda. I had no tartar, so I tried to use an online formula to figure out how much baking powder I could use as a substitution. It obviously wasn't correct as my dough didn't come out right. Can any one...
Ratio of baking soda/baking powder to plainf flour
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I have an Australian cookie recipe that calls for self raising flour and I do not have any.. what ratio of baking powder should I add to the regular flour to make it "self raising' Many thanks
Baking soda on hair
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My hair was origionally light golden brown. My hairstylist dyed it a neutral medium brown color. It gave my hair red and orange tones. I hated it so I went and got it dyed again. It looks better now because my hairstylist canceled out the reds and oranges with an ashy brown but its still too dark....
Identifying baking soda and washing soda
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Using a monoprotic acid, how would you find out which sample is baking soda and which sample is washing soda if you have unknown samples of each? I think it has something to do with how much CO2 each produces when reacted with the acid, but I don't know which produces more CO2 and which produces... View more questions Search
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