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    wyoboy1's Avatar
    wyoboy1 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 18, 2005, 10:40 AM
    Lab puppy question
    I have an 8 week old lab puppy. Many days she can go to work with me but some days she has to stay home. I live alone so she can't be supervised. I'm working on crate training her (for house training and the general "create a safe haven for the puppy" thing). I can get home at lunch and then directly after work. Should I leave her in her crate for the morning and afternoon or should I leave her in an enclosed room with her crate (door open), some water, toys, her dog bed, and some newspaper? I've read that if you crate train, don't leave the dog in the crate as long as I would have to on those days she has to stay at home. Also, she sleeps in her crate at night so should she not be in her crate during the day, when I can't supervise her? So I guess I'm wondering: 1.) is 2 4-hour intervals in the crate too much, in addition to 7-8 hours while we are sleeping; and 2.) is placing her in a room while I'm away at work counter productive to crate training the rest of the time? I take her crate to work when she comes, for those times when she needs to calm down. Any help is certainly appreciated.
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
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    Apr 18, 2005, 12:29 PM
    What you are proposing is what has worked great for me and many other people I know. Depending on my wife's and my work schedules, we have frequently left Labs as young as 7 weeks in a crate half a day plus overnight. It is great that your employer allows you to take the puppy. On some of the jobs we have had, my wife and I have been able to take our puppies. Our daughter, the engineer, is taking her new German Shepherd puppy to work. I will paste in my system of housebreaking which includes ways of reducing the problems from accidents in crates.

    Much of housebreaking is not training the puppy, but making it easier for your
    Puppy, you, and your carpet while its body to catches up to its instincts. At
    Around 8 weeks when the puppy goes to its new home, the time from when it
    Realizes it has to go, and when it can't wait any longer is a matter of
    Seconds. Only time will fix that. You can hardly be expected to be attentive
    Enough to avoid all accidents There is no sense punishing the puppy for your
    Inattention. It is not fair to punish you either, but you still have to clean
    It up if you didn't have the puppy outside in time.

    Housebreaking starts before you get home with the new puppy. If you don't have
    A crate, buy one. I prefer the more enclosed, den like plastic ones. Skip the
    Bedding. At first it gets wet, and later it can be chewed into choking
    Hazards. A wire rack in the bottom will help keep the puppy up out of
    Accidents at first. They are available with the crates, but a piece of closely
    Spaced wire closet shelving from a home supply place is cheaper. If you
    Already have a metal crate, covering it may help. Just make sure you use
    Something the puppy can't pull in and chew. Dogs that start in crates as
    Little puppies, accept them very well. Never leave an unattended puppy loose
    In the house. If nobody can watch it, put it in the crate. I suggest letting
    The dog have its crate all its life.

    Choose a command and spot you want it to use. The less accessible to strays,
    The less chance of serious disease. If it is a female, choosing a
    Non grassy spot will avoid brown spots later. When you bring it home, take it
    To the spot and give it the command in a firm, but friendly voice. Keep
    Repeating the command and let the puppy sniff around. If it does anything,
    Praise it. Really let it know what a good dog it is and how much you love it,
    And maybe a treat. Note, being out there not only means you can praise it,
    But it also keeps it from being snatched by a hawk. If it doesn't go, take it
    Inside and give it a drink and any meals scheduled. A young puppy will need to
    Go out immediately afterward. Go to the spot and follow the above routine.
    Praising it if it goes is extremely important. If it doesn't go, take it back
    Inside and put it in its crate and try again soon. Do not let it loose in the
    House until it does go.

    At first it is your responsibility to know and take the puppy out when it
    Needs to go. It needs to go out the first thing in the morning, after eating,
    Drinking, and sleeping. If it quits playing, and starts running around
    Sniffing, it is looking for a place to go. Take it out quickly. You will just
    Have to be what I call puppy broke until it is a little older.

    By the time most dogs are about 3 months old, they have figured out that if
    They go to the door and stand, you will let them out. The praise slowly shifts
    To going to the door. Some people hang a bell there for the dog to paw. If
    Your dog doesn't figure this out, try praising it and putting it out if it
    Even gets near the door. A stern "Bad dog!" is all the punishment that is
    Effective, and only when you catch it in the act and are sure you didn't miss
    It going to the door. Clean up accidents promptly. I mostly keep the little
    Puppies out of the carpeted rooms. Still I need the can of carpet foam
    Sometimes. First blot up all the urine you can with a dry towel. Keep moving
    It and stepping on it until a fresh area stays dry. A couple big putty knives
    Work well on bowel movements. Just slide one under it while holding it with
    The other. This gets it up with a minimum of pushing it down into the carpet.
    This works with even relatively soft ones, vomit, dirt from over turned house
    Plants, or anything else from solids to thick liquids. Finish up with a good
    Shot of carpet foam. Note, do not let the puppy lick up the carpet foam.
    Once the dog is reliably housebroken, your carpet may need a good steam cleaning.

    Many people strongly strongly push cleaning up all evidence of past accidents. I am slower to suggest that. Dogs will return to the same spot if they can find it. When you see one sniffing the spot, that is your clue to run it out.

    The "shut the puppy in a safe room" is a fallacy. Very few houses even have a
    Safe room. How many of us have a room with a hard surfaced floor and nothing
    Else? Most rooms have electrical cords to chew if nothing else. In addition
    To destroying anything a bored puppy finds to chew, it may choke or have
    Intestinal blockage from the pieces. I had a friend that left her dog in a
    "safe" room. It ate a hole in the floor covering. The safe rooms fail to
    Give the dog the comfort of the enclosed space their instinct requires. Nor
    Do they restrict activity extending the time the dog can go without relieving

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