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    victorious_quin's Avatar
    victorious_quin Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 17, 2013, 09:29 AM
    Allergic to hair dye?
    I recently went to the salon to dye my hair. I bought my own hair dye - it was ION. After about 15 minutes with the dye in my hair, my scalp and the skin around my hair was itching and burning like crazy. I wanted to cry and I couldn't sit still. It was unbearable. The stylist had to wash it off right away because she had seen red bumps that began bubbling and turning white everywhere. It could have been hives I'm guessing. I have no idea. But I just want to know am I allergic to hair dye and will I ever be able to dye my hair again? Is there hair dye that is made for people who are allergic to that PPD thing?
    15yearoldgirl's Avatar
    15yearoldgirl Posts: 49, Reputation: 5
    Junior Member

    Jan 13, 2014, 03:48 PM
    You could have an allergy to hair dye and if it is that then I don't know if they make specialised products. However, I have a skin condition which means that I react to certain ingredients in products including hair dyes and I'm able to get dyes that don't irritate my condition. Do you react to other things like any bath products or anything? Because if you do it's possible that it's a skin condition, in which case you are more likely to be able to get special products. I just thought it might be that rather than an allergy because the reaction you described was quite similar to my reactions (minus the white bit). Hope I helped! :)

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