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    BRUITUS's Avatar
    BRUITUS Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 20, 2012, 03:45 PM
    Neighbor Harassment
    Our neighbor has harassed us since we moved into this house 2 years ago.First by calling the bylaw enforcement officer complaining that our grass was higher than the allowable 6 inches,it was 7 inches. Again called about storing lumber,unlicenced car, and dog poop. Apparently you are not allowed to let your dog poop even in ypour own yard here in Port Alberni,B.C.Canada.I think that is a bit much.This guy has caused us so much emotional distress, we are lossing our sleep.We are all disabled, I am 56 my wife 63, my son 28 his wife 25 and their 3 year old son all live in the same house and it seems he is jelous of us having friends,as I noticed that they never have any visitors.He called the police saying that we were selling drugs. At first the police did nothing but after his repeated complaints they finally came with a search warrant. They found 2 grams of marajuana. My son and I are both terminbally ill and have a permit from health canada to have marajuana for health reasons. We showed the police our permits and they went away and appologised.He continued to call the police who have to come when there is a complaint,he said he have so many people coming over we must be selling it.We have 3 or 4 people maybe coming over not everyday, and not all in one day. We can't live here anymore, we are all so stressed, this guy sits and watches our house all the time he is at home,when someone comes over he calls the police.We are going to move and we are losing 18 thousand dollars down payment on the house if we do. Can we sue him for the loss of our money and for purposly causing us emotional distress?
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jan 20, 2012, 04:04 PM
    No, you can not sue him and no you really don't have to move. You chose to move and chose to let it bother you.
    How many times have you went down to the crown to ask about them filing charges against him for filing a police report. And no police don't have to come after being called and called and finding nothing. Or they just have to drive by front of house.

    As for code issues, dog poop, grass height, old cars, yes if yes if you parked old cars in your yard next to my house I would be calling enforcement myself.

    There are rules you just have to follow them.

    So you start fighting back, you sue them for your time and trouble of their false police reports and so no.
    BRUITUS's Avatar
    BRUITUS Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 20, 2012, 04:40 PM
    I don't have junk cars in my yard, the car he called about is a 1999 cadillac deville in mint shape, I just could not afford to insure it this year. As for calling the bylaw inforcement if you would call him because my grass is 1 inch over what is considered allowable,you should move in with my neighbor, you sound the same.
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Jan 20, 2012, 07:04 PM
    This site doesn't tell you what you want to hear, we tell you the truth. Do I think calling when your grass is an inch over the limit is excessive, yes. But if I had a neighbor who just moved in and didn't take care of the property, I would be inclined to do something about it. From what you have said, you DID violate several rules. So you gave him fuel for his fire.

    I'm also wondering when police came did you immediately tell them about the marijuana or did they find it on their own? Since you had a license you should have told them upfront.

    Your neighbor does sound like an obsessive nosybody, but it also sounds like you gave him reasons to act.

    But Chuck was right, YOU are choosing to move, so you have no grounds for suing him for your losses. You don't say what you have done to deal with the neighbor's complaints or put a stop to them. But there may have things you could have done.

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