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    Tevia's Avatar
    Tevia Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 8, 2011, 11:13 AM
    Miniature Schnauzer crying & potty training issues
    Hi all. I've had my miniature schnauzer for a bit over a month now. She's almost five months old now and overall a great dog. However, I've been having a few ongoing problems with her.

    First of all, she refuses to stop crying and barking when put in her crate. The crate is a good size, not too big or too small. She has a pillow, toys, and bones in there. I even put her water in there with her sometimes. Even with all of that she absolutely hates being in the crate. The second she goes in she starts to screech and will continue this on for almost an hour at times. I do my best to ignore her in attempts to teach her that crying will not get her out, but sometimes I have to take her out because other people in the house get annoyed.

    I'm getting really frustrated with this. I haven't gotten a good night sleep since I adopted her, with the exception of a few times that I let her sleep in my bed.

    I know she wants to get out so she can be with me, but I need her to stay in her crate at night because my boyfriend doesn't want her in the bed and if she's allowed to roam the house she pees and poops everywhere.

    She's seen a vet recently so the problem isn't medical. If I take her out of her crate and walk her outside she doesn't want to go. As soon as she's out all she wants to do is be held.

    This brings me to the next problem, she's been insanely hard to potty train. I keep her on a schedule for eating and going outside, but she hates going to the bathroom anywhere but at the front door. I'll walk her for half an hour with nothing and then take her back in to find her going at the door before I can even take my shoes off.

    I know I'm supposed to keep her in her crate if she doesn't go, but there's times where she won't go for over 12 hours and I feel bad keeping her caged up for such long periods.

    I'm really lost as what to do. The other people in my house are becoming more and more irritated as I'm becoming increasingly frustrated.

    Advice would be greatly appreciated.
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
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    Sep 8, 2011, 12:58 PM
    How long do you spend outside with her waiting for her to potty? Sometimes it can take quite a while for them to 'go' so I usually just make myself a coffee and sit out on the back steps until mine finall relieve themselves, then praise like crazy when they do.

    Is she nervous about being outside? What do you think makes her go right near the door?
    If she seems uneasy about moving into the open then you perhaps try a designated potty spot. Some people section off a small area of their yard with garden edging or even something higher with one side left open and that becomes the dogs toilet. It's a bit like training your dog to go on puppy pads but outdoors.

    I'm a little confused about how you crate her. Do you keep her in the crate, take her out to potty then put her straight back in?
    The crying might be a case of actually having a strong dislike for the crate due to being confined for so long.
    You need to make the crate a happy, safe place to be. You can start by encouraging her to go into the crate by herself, leave the door open and put some of her favourite treats right at the back. Let her come back out when she wishes. Keep repeating until she is comfortable going in there.

    Then you can start putting the treats in and shutting the door behind her when she goes in. When she turns back around to come out just wait a few seconds and open the door again (make sure you do it before she starts crying).
    Gradually increase the time you leave the door closed for.
    Tevia's Avatar
    Tevia Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 8, 2011, 05:35 PM
    I'll usually walk around with her for twenty minutes or so, but sometimes up to an hour. I have to walk her on a leash for now because she's still small and has just discovered that she can squeeze herself out of the spaces in our fence.

    She likes being outside unless it's raining. When I said she goes near the door I meant that she goes in the house near the front door. She's fine with being outside in the yard, she just refuses to go potty out there.

    I crate her at night, take her to the bathroom in the morning then feed her and let her play around the house for a bit. Within an hour of eating I take her outside to go potty again and if she goes I let her either stay outside or play with the other dogs inside. If she doesn't go potty after eating I put her back in her crate and try taking her out again every half hour. After she does go potty I give her three or so hours before I take her to go out again and repeat the process until I give her dinner around six. After dinner I give her an hour and then take her out. Then I'll usually try once or twice again before putting her to bed.

    I never put her back in after she goes potty, only when she doesn't go. She doesn't spend an excessive amount of time in the crate.

    She lays in the crate on her own every now and then. Her toys and bones are in there and the crate is right next to my bed so she can see me.
    Monkeybussiness's Avatar
    Monkeybussiness Posts: 3, Reputation: 0
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    Sep 13, 2011, 07:55 PM
    Dear Tevia,

    I have two chihuahuas. One of them was really easy to train. My other wouldn't go outside then when I brought him in he would go on the front door mat. Most dogs do a special little 'song and dance' before they go to the bathroom. Mine would kind of act like he was going to laying down- you know, going around in circles. When I take my dogs out I say "Go potty." I stay out there for a while and say "go potty" repeatedly. If I bring them in and one of the hasn't pooped I keep a good eye on them.

    I take my dogs to go out to the bathroom at regular times... in the morning and at night. I put them in the kennel at night. In the morning I let them out and ask " Do you have to go potty?" They get all excited if they have to. But you have to say that every time you take them potty or they won't understand you when you ask them in the morning or at night.

    Hope this helps!

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