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80's anime style movie
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi, I've been looking for a movie that was on either showtime or hbo in the mid 1980's. It was about a brother and sister that looked human, but they had wings. The other main character was human, in his late teens and was selected to pilot this robot that looked similar in style to Voltron. ...
Identify old 80's anime movie
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Hey guys, I'm not a huge anime fan, but recently I've been getting these flashes of memory of an old anime movie I used to own on VHS when I was 6 or 7. I doubt it's a very good film but it holds quite powerful memories of when I was a nipper so I'd love to locate it. I can remember quite a lot...
Identify a 80's/90's Space Anime Film- 'Truckers' (?)
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Manga or anime movie - 80's or 90's
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Obscure 80/90's children's movie- Possibly anime
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I have been looking for this animated movie for years and I think it has an anime look... If anyone could help with a name it would be appreciated :) Plot: The world is in this post apocalyptic state where no one can breathe the air. People are riding around on these spaceship looking machines,... View more questions Search