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    cupcake1's Avatar
    cupcake1 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 11, 2008, 08:34 PM
    Active child's imagination scaring entire family
    How do I know if my young children are really seeing or sensing things, and it is not just their imaginations? Even though my house is brand new, can it be haunted?
    simoneaugie's Avatar
    simoneaugie Posts: 2,490, Reputation: 438
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    Oct 11, 2008, 08:41 PM

    The land that the house is situated on may have history. There is no definitive test for whether a child is making things up. A new house is full of stuff like carpet glue and other things that can change mental function. I would give the child the benefit of the doubt but not be fearful.
    cupcake1's Avatar
    cupcake1 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 11, 2008, 08:49 PM

    Thank-you for your quick response! It is hard not to be fearful. My one child will tell me that they can't go to sleep because someone is "petting" their head, and the other on a different occasion will ask me to tell that "person" not to drip water (tears?) on their head when they are trying to sleep... just to give you a couple of examples.
    Alder's Avatar
    Alder Posts: 342, Reputation: 71
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    Oct 12, 2008, 06:37 PM

    "Imagination" is a funny concept. In our culture, we tend to think of things we imagine as unimportant and unreal (except for money, of course, which is something that only exists because we imagine that it does--without imagination it would just be numbers on computer screens and on small pieces of paper). But imagination is the way we access the larger part of our consciousness, in symbols and metaphors. Imagination is the vehicle of faith and of love.

    Ok, enough waxing philosophical. Where I'm going with this is that even young children know when they are making things up (like at a tea party with cups of air tea). Although they use their imaginations to interpret experiences they have (as do we all, but adults don't admit it), the experience is genuine although it is filtered through the imagination.

    So that is all a way of saying that these kids sense something there, although they may be using their imaginations to interpret what they are experiencing. In this case, they both described a physical contact, something they could feel. And both of them felt it on their heads (and yet they described things differently enough that it doesn't sound like one just got the idea from hearing the other one talk about it).

    I gather this just started happening since you moved there? And hence you figure the presence is associated with the house? That makes sense. Did the children start noticing these things immediately after you moved? Or had you been there a while (maybe even years) before it started? If it didn't happen immediately, then maybe it's something other than the house.

    There are many kinds of spirits in the world, some are the spirits of humans (living or dead), some are not. The motivations vary. It might be something connected to an object in the house, or to you or your family. Have you had any deaths in the family or big traumatic events (other than moving) like car accidents?

    The good news is that while kids are very sensitive to this sort of thing, they are also pretty well defended. But something needs to be done to make peace with this presence, so that you either become friends with it or it leaves you alone. Can you tell me your general geographic location? Some places, it's pretty easy to find a person with the skills to help in this kind of thing. You might be able to find a shamanic practitioner or spiritualist or some such in your area. Often times spiritual bookstores are run by wise, older women who can give you all kinds of good advice and help.

    If you like, I could try to help you long distance. Drop me a line if you are interested.

    Blessings to you and your family,

    cupcake1's Avatar
    cupcake1 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 12, 2008, 09:53 PM

    My husband and I built this house in Ohio about 6 years ago. My youngest children are now 4 and 5, so I guess it is safe to say that they have been acting and saying odd things since they could express themselves. I myself sometimes think that it has something to do with the land, as I have sensed something while we were still building. Outside near our woods, or in our woods, I would feel like something rushing up on me... if that makes sense. This would make all my hairs stand on end and my chest feel like someone standing on it. At one time, we had a "deer cam" to record photos of wildlife activities in our woods near our creek. This camera is an infrared and logged about 3 days of orbs out of about a week. I don't know if I believe in orbs, but my skeptical husband has not put the camera back out since.
    One of the first things I can remember from my 5 yr old is when he was about 2; he started talking about something he calls a "Toof." He still talks about this, and is very afraid of it. When he was 3, he crawled up on his dad's lap and stared out the window and then looked at his dad all wild eyed and said, "The toof is coming, dad. Can you smell him? Don't let him come in the house. I can smell him. He's coming." He was terrified, and it creeped us out as well. He says the "Toof" lives in the woods. I could go on about "Toof" episodes.
    Other items that you touched on was that maybe it was an object in the house, and had there been any trauma or deaths in our family. Yes. My mother and her boyfriend were found dead on Christmas Eve, 7 years ago from carbon monoxide poisoning. She was only 48. We also have a walnut chest that belonged to my husband's grandfather that was used to store the pistol he used to commit suicide. I can't remember when we obtained this chest, but I do know that it was after we moved into our house. We sure could use help, things seem to be escalating. Even my skeptical husband is looking for answers.
    Alder's Avatar
    Alder Posts: 342, Reputation: 71
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    Oct 13, 2008, 11:06 AM

    So you own a woodland area adjacent to your house? Where is this (you don't have to give me an address, just general info--state or province if it's in North America)?

    Are these old woods? Our species has not been gentle to the forests of the world. Did you have to cut down many trees to build your house? Was the homesite originally part of the forest?

    A lot of New Agey people have really fluffy, sweetness and light ideas about fairies, perhaps forgetting that only a few hundred years ago people were afraid to even say that word. The Old Powers of the Earth, the old presences of stone and spring and wood, are strong and sacred and dark. They have nothing to do with human notions of good or evil, angels or demons.

    If the woodlands you own happen to be a place where these powers are strong, that is a big responsibility. That may not be the sort of thing that is happening here, but it sounds like your intuition tends that direction, and so does mine from what you've said so far.

    So what do you do if these are that sort of being? Respect them, reverence them. Let them know you grieve for any harm you have caused to their home, and that you will do your best to be a good steward of their woods, and protect them from further damage.

    I would love the opportunity to visit a place like this. If you aren't too far away, maybe you would let me do that sometime? Otherwise, perhaps we can make arrangements for me to visit it in spirit, in a shamanic journey.
    spyderglass's Avatar
    spyderglass Posts: 434, Reputation: 34
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    Oct 13, 2008, 03:14 PM

    Cupcake-Is there a history of Native Americans on the land you are inhabiting? If I were you I would plant an apple tree close to the house as an 'offering' to help appease any angry spirits.
    They may be angry at the 'destruction' of sacred trees (like cedar trees). I believe some spirits inhabit trees, and if a tree is destroyed without some other offering being made the spirit is 'homeless' and may be angry about it.
    cupcake1's Avatar
    cupcake1 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 13, 2008, 09:28 PM

    My homesite is in Ohio in what used to be part of the Black Swamp. When we bought the land, it was 6 acres of woods and creek; and 4 acres of meadow in front of the woods. We built the house on the meadow part. Other than clearing dead trees and thorny brush, we have left the wooded part alone. My husband says that there probably isn't a tree older than 30 years in our woods. We assume that it was cleared for farmland at one time, but has since been allowed to re-naturalize. An interesting note, Spyderglass: there are two wild cedar trees on our property, out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe there were more at one time.

    Alder, you mention the Old Powers of the Earth. This is something new to me, I'd like to learn more. As fearful as I am of our situation, I am becoming more and more intrigued to find out what is going on. However, I don't think that I am afraid because of what I don't know or understand... I just feel something dark or heavy.

    Thanks to all for your help.
    spyderglass's Avatar
    spyderglass Posts: 434, Reputation: 34
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    Oct 14, 2008, 12:48 AM

    I live in Southern Ohio myself cupcake, my Grandfather is Native American himself. Try burning sage through the house, go to every corner in the house and fan it gently outwards. Just a suggestion that may work.
    cupcake1's Avatar
    cupcake1 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 14, 2008, 02:07 AM

    Thank-you Spyderglass. I will. I have been told to try this from my neighbor, as well.
    spyderglass's Avatar
    spyderglass Posts: 434, Reputation: 34
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    Oct 14, 2008, 02:09 AM

    Cool beans!
    Alder's Avatar
    Alder Posts: 342, Reputation: 71
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    Oct 15, 2008, 01:48 PM

    Spyderglass' suggestions about planting trees, burning sage, etc. are all great. You could try hanging feathers or crystals or some such from the two cedar trees, or leave an offering of apples (organic would be nice) or fresh bread or the like beneath them. This time of year in particular such a thing would be appropriate. Whatever you do, do it from the heart, do it with care, and try to make it beautiful in its own simple way. Trust your intuition to guide you. Feel free to get your kids involved, and let them know that you are doing this so that the spirits they sense will be friendly. Of course, this might be a bit of a stretch for your husband...

    I can't get to Ohio any time in the near future in the flesh, but I could go there in spirit, doing a shamanic journey. I'd be willing to try that, see if I can get there, see if I can get in touch with whatever it is. Hmm, how to find your address on that level? I'm thinking perhaps if you sent me a couple of pictures so I would know it when I saw it. And I could send you a symbol that my power animals and I could tune into. You could draw it on a stone in sidewalk chalk, erase it when we are done. Naturally, I wouldn't intrude on your privacy by showing up any other times than the time or times we agreed upon. You have enough weird spirits hanging around without me! ;)

    "Dark and heavy" huh? Yes, that sounds like what I have felt in several places I have been. For me it's tricky, because I am more sensitive to them than many and therefore potentially more exposed. But also because of my training better equipped to face them. Sometimes I get ill afterward (like a bad cold or something) after those kind of encounters, despite whatever protections I set up.

    If you are interested in doing that sort of work, let me know.
    insomniaticmeat's Avatar
    insomniaticmeat Posts: 38, Reputation: 3
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    Oct 15, 2008, 02:08 PM

    Yes if you smudge a house with sage it will juts improve the energy also try a dream catcher in your kids room and make sure you explain what it is.. I think in these situations conventional solutions usually don't work, but also they are juts kids and I wouldn't worry too much
    cupcake1's Avatar
    cupcake1 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 19, 2008, 08:46 PM

    Alder, the "shamanic journey" idea is new to me, but I am not so close minded that I wouldn't try it. I would be interested in anything you might find out. Let me know the details of what all you need me to do. Thank-you.
    Capuchin's Avatar
    Capuchin Posts: 5,255, Reputation: 656
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    Oct 20, 2008, 01:14 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by cupcake1 View Post
    How do I know if my young children are really seeing or sensing things, and it is not just their imaginations?
    What's the difference? If you dream something, don't you really see or sense it?

    Of course it's their imaginations.
    cupcake1's Avatar
    cupcake1 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 20, 2008, 01:49 AM

    The difference is between perceived reality and reality.
    Capuchin's Avatar
    Capuchin Posts: 5,255, Reputation: 656
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    Oct 20, 2008, 01:56 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by cupcake1 View Post
    The difference is between perceived reality and reality.
    Trying not too get to philosophical here, but how else do you determine reality if not through perception?
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    cupcake1 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 20, 2008, 02:52 AM

    If reality is determined through perception, then theoretically reality does not exist. Reality is a truth, or a state of being actual. Perception allows for opinion and influences of all or some of the senses. If reality is allowed to be determined by perception, then no two realities will be the same.
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    Capuchin Posts: 5,255, Reputation: 656
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    Oct 20, 2008, 06:39 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by cupcake1 View Post
    If reality is determined through perception, then theoretically reality does not exist. Reality is a truth, or a state of being actual. Perception allows for opinion and influences of all or some of the senses. If reality is allowed to be determined by perception, then no two realities will be the same.
    What's the matter with that?

    The fact that ghosts don't exist doesn't seem to alter the fact that people sometimes see ghosts. It's more to do with perception than absolute reality.
    BeccaS's Avatar
    BeccaS Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 23, 2008, 12:35 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by cupcake1 View Post
    How do I know if my young children are really seeing or sensing things, and it is not just their imaginations? Even though my house is brand new, can it be haunted?


    My family had a similar experience w/ my little sister when we were younger.
    No one believed her and after about two years of her saying weird things and seeing weird things everyone in the family started to experience weird things. Your case however might not be the same it could be the child's imagination. I would investigate the situation thought before you rule it to be that. For example you said your house was new, but what was there if anything before your house was built, does the land have any history, was someone murdered there? etc. Also when we had this problem we researched a little bit and found out that children are very susectible to paranormal activities due to their innocence and their willingness to pay attention and to see the world in a different light than adults. I would definitely research though , before making a definite conclusion.

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