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Vulva abnormality
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My vulva has shrunk and I'm only 19, what can cause this?
What could the sores on my vulva be?
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Been with one guy for the past year, both have been tested clean, and haven't been with anyone since. This has happened to me twice now, both when I'm sick. First time I had a fever, this time I have bronchitis and a sinus infection. In the area between my anus and vagina and one closer to my...
Cut on vulva
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Hi, Okay so I will start by telling you that I have been with my boyfriend almost 7 months and we have been sexually active for around 4-5 months. Even before we were sexually active I got yeast infections. I believe they were due to the type of birth control I was on. I have changed brands and...
Bumps around vulva?
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I seem to have little bumps at my labia minora, looking somewhat like tastebuds. There are several larger ones in comparison to the rest, about five of them, a bit more scattered, although they're all still pretty small. There are a lot of tiny ones in a line at both sides of my labia, and they are...
Discoloration of the vulva
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Hello... is it true that the more sex you have the blacker the vulva gets? How does it go back to pink or does it ever go back to pink. View more questions Search