New Member
Dec 23, 2015, 04:20 AM
Unprotected sex
Hi, I had unprotected sex a week ago from today(Wednesday) and I've had cramps ever since then and I don't know if my boyfriend came inside of me or not but my left side of my lower stomach near my hip really hurts and I've been taking a #2 a lot lately and I don't know if this has to do with being pregnant or if I've got something.. I'm just really scared and in a lot of pain, this isn't my first time having sex or having it unprotected so.. yeah please help thanks .
Ultra Member
Dec 23, 2015, 05:01 AM
"I'm just really scared"
Seems to me the time to be scared is before you say no to Mr. Condom.
"having it unprotected"
So basically you continue to try to be pregnant. Keep it up, it will happen one day.
Dec 23, 2015, 05:35 AM
You should be scared taking a life changing chance of getting pregnant by having unprotected sex, not once but many times! You just keep being scared until you GET IT, and figure out how to protect yourself, if indeed you find that you are NOT pregnant and that will take some time.
So what's your excuse to taking dumb chances and not knowing how sex and your body works? How old are you? Doesn't matter really because if you are old enough to have sex, then you should be old enough to know what your doing... UNLESS you want to be PREGNANT.
Computer Expert and Renaissance Man
Dec 23, 2015, 06:26 AM
Whatever symptoms you are experiencing are not due to pregnancy. A week is too soon for any symptoms to manifest themselves. A egg may not have even been fertilized yet.
Whether the sexual encounter a week ago results in pregnancy or not we can't say. But whatever you are feeling is not a result of it. So go see a doctor and describe your pain.
current pert
Dec 23, 2015, 06:38 AM
What kind of 'boyfriend' doesn't even tell you whether or not he came in you, and what kind of woman doesn't think about all this before sex?
Maybe you don't know enough about this man. Get checked now for disease, and get birth control while there.
It's possible that you pinched a nerve that hurts and also has made your bowel more sensitive (it ends on the left side) and that's why you are going more. But that's just a wild guess.
Dec 23, 2015, 06:44 AM
First it really does not matter if he finished inside or not, plenty of sperm in the early fluids for pregnancy.
I would be more concerned about STD's and infections,
In one week, you would not be having these signs from pregnancy, it took about 3 days for the sperm just to reach the egg if you were ovulating. So this would be from something else.
Uber Member
Dec 23, 2015, 07:13 AM
One thing is certain and goes without saying.
If you aren't using protection EVERY TIME. Then you are actually trying to get pregnant. Even if you don't want to admit it because that is the expected outcome of that action.
And it is always an intentional and deliberate action.
Pets Expert
Dec 23, 2015, 02:50 PM
Even with protection pregnancy is possible. Even if you use more than 2 forms of birth control. But having unprotected sex means you're trying to conceive. There is absolutely no reason why a sexually active person should not be using birth control unless they're trying to get pregnant. Having said that, I can only assume that you're trying to have a baby. But, it's too soon to tell at this point.
At a week after sex it's too soon to test for pregnancy. Pregnancy doesn't happen the minute penis ejaculates in vagina. It takes a while for the sperm to travel to the egg, then penetrate the egg, then the egg has to travel and implant. It can take a week or more for this to happen. So any symptoms you're experiencing now, are not due to pregnancy. It's too soon for that.
Could you be pregnant? There's a very good chance that you are. You had unprotected sex, so pregnancy is a definite possibility.
What's going on now is not due to pregnancy however. So, if this is a big concern, as big as you proclaim in this post, then it's time to discuss this with your doctor.
As for pregnancy, still possible, but unlikely that it's causing the symptoms you're experiencing. So you'll have to wait until your next period is due. If you miss it, wait at least a week, then test using first morning urine. If that test is negative, wait another week and test again. If that test is negative, wait for your next period. If you miss it, test again or see your doctor for a more accurate blood test.
If you're not ready for a pregnancy and a baby, then it's time to start using birth control, or start keeping your pants on until you are ready. Sorry if that's harsh, but it's the truth, and the truth is often difficult to hear and accept.
Good luck.
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