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    April8245's Avatar
    April8245 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Mar 15, 2017, 08:01 PM
    Strange Period after IUD removed and essure placed
    I hadn't had a period since 2010 had my twins feb of 2011 and had a iud placed I didn't have periods with my iud maybe a occasional spotting but no period in August 2015 my iud was removed which it should have been removed in may buuut she said it could last longer and that they would remove it during the essure procedure and I was given the depot shot then with the iud still there?? Anyway I had essure done in August I've had the depo shot again since you have to wait to make sure everything goes right... anyway its march 2017 this is my first real period since 2010 started spotty then went really heavy I was heavy before but what I'm asking is... is it OK that its been 2 weeks? Ive never had a period this long... maybe its my body adjusting? Help what's going on
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Mar 16, 2017, 04:37 AM
    You should call the doctor's office about it this morning, even if you get an answering service or machine. Keep it short - "I have been bleeding heavily for 2 weeks."
    If you get constant pain, go to an ER. Get a thermometer and take your temp each day. Go to an ER if you have a fever.
    Women with Essure are reporting many problems, and there are numerous class action lawsuits against them.
    The FDA has forced Essure to put warnings out now, but they haven't forced them to stop making the product.
    As usual, they drag their feet when a product they approved turned out to have high numbers of side effects, some harmful. The devices have been known to shift around in the fallopian tubes and even perforate. I would demand an Xray to see if the devices have moved.
    And their approval process was totally ignored, but was approved anyway.

    If your doctor doesn't know about all the recent reports and risks, find a new doctor!
    ANYTIME you allow a treatment, drug, or device in your body, be EDUCATED about it, preferably FIRST.

    You can tell your story on Erin Brockovich's page (the woman famous for single handedly fighting for a class action lawsuit against all odds, even though she was a lowly clerk in a law firm. Her employer gave her 2 million. He got 133 million. She has been taking on causes ever since). Good movie made about it, called Erin Brockovich.

    Here's ONE of the class action lawyers just for an idea of what is happening. You might want to check out others closer to you, just in case you decide to consult one.

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