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I just had my IUD removed and started because right away... Period is AWOL!
[ 3 Answers ]
Ok so I have recently had my IUD removed due to finding out that I had developed a cyst on the ovaries and was really just ready to have another child soon. The day I had my IUD removed I was on my period started taking BC pills sprintec July 26th (3 weeks of active pills, and last week placebo...
Period and getting the iud removed
[ 2 Answers ]
Do they perfer you to be on your period when you get the iud removed I just found out I have crevitits caused from my iud and I have to get it removed and I know I had to be on my period will getting it put in and I think I will be starting soon and my appt is Friday and if you are not supposed to...
No period after having the copper IUD removed
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi I am 24 years old mother of 2. I had the copper IUD fitted after the birth of my second child 2 years ago. I decided to have it removed because me and my husband want to try for another baby. I had it removed 4 day before I was due to had a period but I have'nt had a period I'm 5 days late now...
Iud removed and still no period
[ 1 Answers ]
At the beginning of February I had to have my IUD removed when I noticed it was coming out. At the time I was 5 days late with my period and they tested me told me I was not pregnant. It's now 3 weeks later and I still don't have my period and as of last Friday a pregnancy test still came back... View more questions Search