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    j2237806's Avatar
    j2237806 Posts: 36, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Dec 4, 2015, 10:27 PM
    Pregnant or not?
    Hi guys. So o was wondering if I could be pregnant. I took the Depo shot for a year & a half, but it expedited at the end of September. I was surprised to be having "normal" periods the 2 months following that since the shot disrupts the cycle. Anyway, fat forward to now. The last time I had unprotected sex was Nov. 23. What I mean by unprotected sex is that he puts the condom halfway during the act and ejaculates into the condom. I was supposed to get my period Nov. 27, however, I am 8 days late. I took a pregnancy test the day I was supposed to get my period, and it was negative. I took 2 more after, and they were negative. Does anyone know what my chances of being pregnant are? I am going to take another test Dec. 12 (3 weeks after unprotected sex) because I read on Google that if you're not regular on your period, that's when you should test. I thought I was regular, but maybe I'm not. Please let me know. Any advice is highly appreciated.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Dec 5, 2015, 05:40 AM
    You are supposed to take the tests when you are two weeks LATE for your period. Taking them that much sooner makes the results highly unreliable.

    You also HAVE to take them right after you wake up, and ONLY the first time you pee for the day... or you have to wait until the next day.
    j2237806's Avatar
    j2237806 Posts: 36, Reputation: 2
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    Dec 5, 2015, 10:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    You are supposed to take the tests when you are two weeks LATE for your period. Taking them that much sooner makes the results highly unreliable.

    You also HAVE to take them right after you wake up, and ONLY the first time you pee for the day... or you have to wait until the next day.
    Well, I did the first day of expected peroid because all the pregnancy tests and internet say go do it then, but, I'll wait even more than the 2 weeks. I also did the first 2 exams with morning urine. Thank you for your answer!
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Dec 5, 2015, 03:27 PM
    Yeah.. thats one upmanship on the marketing end of things to entice you to buy theirs over others. Reality is while in some cases it might work... two weeks gives you the best likelihood ( most effective by then). As a disclaimer... there is a percentage of women that might not test pregnant for a month or more late.

    What time you take it is very important. Believe it or not, a lot of people think its OK to take whenever they want, then don't understand when they get negative results. Enough it needs to be mentioned frequently.
    DoulaLC's Avatar
    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    Dec 5, 2015, 05:04 PM
    Your cycles may remain irregular for quite some time after your last depo injection. For some women it can be one or two cycles, but for some women, it takes many months. As you said, testing about once a month, until you either become pregnant or start to have regular cycles again, is about all you can do.
    j2237806's Avatar
    j2237806 Posts: 36, Reputation: 2
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    Dec 6, 2015, 02:36 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Yeah.. thats one upmanship on the marketing end of things to entice you to buy theirs over others. Reality is while in some cases it might work... two weeks gives you the best likelihood ( most effective by then). As a disclaimer... there is a percentage of women that might not test pregnant for a month or more late.

    What time you take it is very important. Believe it or not, a lot of people think its OK to take whenever they want, then don't understand when they get negative results. Enough it needs to be mentioned frequently.
    Shouldn't I wait 3 weeks better instead of 2 to have better results? Google says go do it 3 weeks after your last unprotected sex if you're not regular, and by looks of it, I'm not thanks to depo.

    Quote Originally Posted by DoulaLC View Post
    Your cycles may remain irregular for quite some time after your last depo injection. For some women it can be one or two cycles, but for some women, it takes many months. As you said, testing about once a month, until you either become pregnant or start to have regular cycles again, is about all you can do.
    Should I just test 3 weeks from my last unprotected sex act? If I get a negative. can I assume I'm not pregnant?
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    DoulaLC Posts: 10,488, Reputation: 1952
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    Dec 6, 2015, 06:15 AM
    If conception occurs, implantation usually happens about 6-12 days later (it is thought sooner is better than later for pregnancy success).

    In most cases, yes, the 3 weeks would give you enough time. However, if you happened to have a late ovulation and then a late implantation, you may need a bit more time. If you test, and get a negative result, wait a bit longer and test again if you still feel pregnancy is a possibility. If you get another negative, you are most likely not pregnant and the lack of periods is due to the injections.

    Again, it is quite possible that your cycles will be irregular for awhile after using depo provera, so be sure to use an alternative birth control method consistently to lower the chance of an unplanned pregnancy. Missing a period may not give you an indication of possible pregnancy however, that is why I mentioned testing once a month if you have sex.

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