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Biliary Dyskinesia
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My cousin has Biliary Dyskinesia of the gall bladder. Hida Scan showed 14% Ejection . I think normal is 35%. It is giving her fits. Burping, nauseas and terrible back pain. I also learned it can be trigged by aggravation . I wonder if excitement too. A lot of attacks happen at night. She stands...
Precautions after an abortion
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Hi I just went through an abortion.. it was my 1st pregnancy.I just want to know the precautions I need to take regarding health and eating,or anything else which I need to know.I find your advice very helpful since I don't have anyone here to take care of me I have to take care of myself. Advise
Lupus and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
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I have had lupus for 16 years and I have developed stage 2 primary biliary cirrhosis. What symptoms should I look for as a sign it's progressing?
Any precautions to take?
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I've been on the pill for a couple years, and after getting a pap smear I was given some medication for a UTI I never had symptoms of, but was told was found. The nurse who called me told me I couldn't drink while I was on the medication, but never said anything about interference with BC. I...
Buying Precautions?
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We're seriously considering purchasing a property in FL and want to be sure we're doing all of our homework. Foreclosure proceedings have been initiated, but the owner still retains the right to pay off the debt, so we'd be purchasing it through the current owner. The property has Title... View more questions Search