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    j2237806's Avatar
    j2237806 Posts: 36, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2016, 01:56 PM
    Possibility of STD?
    Hi guys. So basically, around a month ago I ended a relationship with a guy I was dating. We had sex where we would do it without condom and halfway into the act, he would put the condom on and then go fast to . I never had his semen in my vagina, if anything pre . I was wondering how likely it is to have gotten an STD (the ones that worry me are HIV & Hepatitis C). My dad told me if he didn't come inside me, there wasn't a high risk. I read online I need to wait around 12 weeks for accurate HIV & other STD tests readings.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jan 4, 2016, 02:22 PM
    If he had anything you have a really good chance of having it now.

    Your dad doesn't know half of what he thinks he does. You could have gotten pregnant as well with what you did. You effectively did NOTHING to prevent an STD, and very little to prevent a pregnancy either.

    Different STD's take differing lengths of time to detect. Some are almost no time. Get tested now.
    tickle's Avatar
    tickle Posts: 23,796, Reputation: 2674

    Jan 4, 2016, 02:22 PM
    No, you go get tested like NOW ! Good luck.
    j2237806's Avatar
    j2237806 Posts: 36, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Jan 4, 2016, 02:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    If he had anything you have a really good chance of having it now.

    Your dad doesn't know half of what he thinks he does. You could have gotten pregnant as well with what you did. You effectively did NOTHING to prevent an STD, and very little to prevent a pregnancy either.

    Different STD's take differing lengths of time to detect. Some are almost no time. Get tested now.
    I don't mean to sound rude, but my dad was a doctor in Cuba. So he has to know a little, I think. Anyway, you're right. I should definitely get tested. The ones that worry me the most are the ones that don't have cure. Thank you though! I appreciate your time and answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    If he had anything you have a really good chance of having it now.

    Your dad doesn't know half of what he thinks he does. You could have gotten pregnant as well with what you did. You effectively did NOTHING to prevent an STD, and very little to prevent a pregnancy either.

    Different STD's take differing lengths of time to detect. Some are almost no time. Get tested now.
    Additionally, the guy got blood work done shortly before we got together to see if he still had a certain bacteria in his stomach. If he would've had something, it wouldn't have come up, right? Because it was testing for the bateria, not anything else?
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jan 4, 2016, 02:51 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by j2237806 View Post
    I don't mean to sound rude, but my dad was a doctor in Cuba. So he has to know a little, I think. Anyway, you're right. I should definitely get tested. The ones that worry me the most are the ones that don't have cure. Thank you though! I appreciate your time and answer.

    Well I'm glad he's not practicing medicine here then unless you just misunderstood him somehow. Seriously. If this guy had Herpes for example. Even if he wore a condom the entire time... you could still get it because it would exist on his skin in areas around his penis as well. And even if he didn't have active lesions you could see, he could still give it to you.

    Pre also contains sperm in varying amounts. Realistically... you only get pregnant from one... we are talking statistics but it always happens to someone somewhere if there is ANY chance. You could easily be that one.

    Remember... most people get something because they slept with someone they THOUGHT and believed was clean (but wasn't)... not some homeless person they picked up in a crack house to sleep with. One can never assume anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by j2237806 View Post

    Additionally, the guy got blood work done shortly before we got together to see if he still had a certain bacteria in his stomach. If he would've had something, it wouldn't have come up, right? Because it was testing for the bateria, not anything else?
    Doubtful. That's a totally different test from a full STD screening. In his case they were looking for H-pylori specifically (most likely one anyway). Many if not most STD's are a virus, not a bacteria. There are some that aren't either...such as Crabs. ( a form of pubic lice)
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Jan 4, 2016, 04:46 PM
    If your father was a doctor in Cuba, and told you there's nothing to worry about, than why are you here asking this question?

    Any time you have sex pregnancy is possible, an STD is possible, even with the use of a condom. The fact that you didn't use a condom until half way through the act, makes it even more likely to get an STD.

    Firs thing I'd do is ask him if he has any STD's. Has he been tested, and if so, how recently and what were the results? Ask to see proof of testing. If he refuses, which is his right, than you need to get tested.

    From now on you should always ask your potential sex partners a history, and if they've been tested for an STD. You should both be tested before engaging in sex. Even then, as a precaution, you should always insist that he wears a condom, from beginning to end!

    Your father may have been a doctor, but it doesn't sound like he's up to date on STD's and how they're transmitted. Maybe Cuba has lower standards of care than the US and Canada. Either way, you obviously didn't believe him, otherwise you wouldn't be here asking us.

    Good luck.

    I just looked at your previous questions. A lot of questions about women's health, pregnancy, possible sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Why is your father not helping you with any of this? Why are you continually asking people online when you actually have a doctor in your family that can help you?

    It makes no sense to me.

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