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I went for an annual check up I got a call saying I have Chlamydia my sex partner says he doesn't have it cause it don't burn. He and I don't use condoms. Did the dr make a mistake
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Last Wednesday I went to the emergency room because my partner told me that went to get tested and they were diagnosed with chlamydia... I didn't get my results yet but they treated me for it anyway due to the expisure... They gave me a 7 day perscription and told me after the 7days any discharge I...
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I recently found out that I have it. Iam 16 and my boyfriend is 19 I tried discussing it with him. He doesn't know what it is. I tried to discuss it with him and explain it to him but he still doesn't get it. I told him and am still telling him that we need to go to the doctors. He has a very... View more questions Search
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