New Member
Mar 5, 2008, 08:16 PM
Elders.in nursing homes
I work in a nursing home.. for dietary aid... but its like when I see the elders I just feel so bad for them.. I know they don't want to be there... but some have to because they don't have any where else to go because no one don't want to be respnsible for them.. it just so sad to see them... because I know they hate the place... do you think they hate the place... or love it... well I know some do... but to me... on certain floors it like depressing to me :(
Uber Member
Mar 5, 2008, 08:22 PM
Yeah I think they are depressing too and many people don't want to be there but their family put them there for one reason or another. Talk to them and be cheerful. Does the place have arts and crafts and different activities? Maybe see if you could transfer to the activities department and then maybe you could make a bigger difference for them.
I did the dietary aid back in the middle 70's and the old folks made me sad too. One lady always asked if we could change this piece of paper with her daughters number on it into a quarter so she could call her. Back then a call was a quarter.
Another lady always asked me if we could take the food cart 'out for a walk'.
Uber Member
Mar 5, 2008, 08:23 PM
It can be a depressing place or a possitive place. All depends on the staff and people around. Even if you have some interaction with the elderly make sure it is positive. Even if it is just good food. Your doing a positive service.
New Member
Mar 5, 2008, 08:24 PM
Your right!.
They have art work and activities they do though
Junior Member
Mar 14, 2008, 05:14 AM
You should not be too quick to judge. My own mother is in a nursing home. It was the LAST place my brother and I wanted to put her in, but in our case we had no choice. After my Dad passed away, she started passing out and falling a lot. She also got in a car accident. She was diagnosed with dementia. She now has full blown Alzheimers. We do not like nursing homes either, and at times we get aggravated with the lack of common sense on the part of the staff, but they love her and take good care of her. My brother visits her every day. My daughter and I try to go 3 times a week. We also visit some of the other residents. Maybe that is what you should try to do. Some of them do not have any company at all. Two of the women- 1 of them was my mother's roommate, until they moved my Mom- and her sister in particular- we used to visit until they passed away. And the sister's nephew said if it was not for us, she would have no one- her family was in Florida and just left her there. And at my mother's they have activities. They bring her downstairs to enjoy them- they have people that come in and sing, and I have been told that sometimes my mother sings ! To me this is amazing (and I have seen it for myself!) because she hardly talks anymore- just yes and no or oh... so before you pass judgement- try to involve yourself a little. Like I said, I don't like nursing homes either, but sometimes there is no choice.
Ultra Member
Mar 14, 2008, 06:35 AM
One of my sisters works in a home for patients that are young and old. Some of them have lived there almost their entire lives. My family gathers gowns, houses shoes and nice smelling shampoos,lotions, soaps and little treats to give to the residents that have no one that visits them. My sister started as an aide and has worked her way up over the years and is now
A supervisor. She says when she see one getting picked on or crying she tries to find time to just sit with them if only to watch a t.v. show, color a picture or play a card game. I really think that they fulfill her life. Every time I talk to he she shares a story about one of them. I have to say people that help take care of the elderly and disabled are awesome esp.those that truly care.
Full Member
Mar 20, 2008, 10:15 AM
I am a nurse in a long term care factility. I have worked there for years, to me it is the most rewarding job. It can be very sad, and you can have really crappy days. But when someone who is lonely and sad smiles at you, just because you said hello or shook their hand, makes the worst day the best. I find my job to be very amazing, its like having 100 grandparents. Now that I have a 3 month old son, I take him to work once a week, it lights their faces up. Anytime that you get sad, or down... remember you have the power to make them happy, which in turn will make you happier :)
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