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Type: Posts; User: Budman4558

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  1. Left my girlfriend, want her back. Can't until she sees things clearly.

    Made a mistake of breaking up with my girlfriend. I'm 24 she is 34, age does not affect me and her. I left because she was pushing herself away because she is jaded from past experience. I've been...
  2. Answers

    I'm not disagreeing with you. I am just trying to...

    I'm not disagreeing with you. I am just trying to see how to go from here. I respect anyone's wishes, she just never said anything. I'm seeing hints though. So thank you, now I know where to go from...
  3. Answers

    Why does she "overthink" our age difference?

    I'm in my 20's and she is in her late 40's. I met her through mutual friends and from the start we clicked instantly. We go out all the time, spend time with her kids, a lot of things are done...
  4. True, just wanted an opinion... all this happens...

    True, just wanted an opinion... all this happens recently. I find that being at this place helps a lot. Thank you
  5. But is really my fault? Mean I'm willing to try...

    But is really my fault? Mean I'm willing to try all kinds of things, but if she couldn't do it herself how is that going to help the next guy?
  6. Ex girlfriend couldn't get off

    Ok I have a question that has been bothering me for the past 5 years... Now she left me to see other people, but the problem we had in our sex life was that she did not know how to even get herself...
  7. Trying figure out how to word this bare with...

    Trying figure out how to word this bare with me... I wouldn't say she used me, but she let my job get to her. She was a very attention needy girl and as far as the friends I had... She had issues...
  8. I've sent a post earlier this morning about it......

    I've sent a post earlier this morning about it... It'll be easier if you read it... I'm still new to this place but it has been helping a lot this past week
  9. Shy

    My girlfriend just left me after 5 years to be single and explore. I letting it go because I know it won't ever come back. I'm 23... But when I do recover and regroup and all that good stuff, I just...
  10. Answers

    If he is the guy you say he is, then you should...

    If he is the guy you say he is, then you should have no problems. Im sure if you try to talk to him about it he will understand.
  11. Girlfriend of 5 years left me to see other people

    Okay where do I start? Well I'm 23 and she is 22. After 5 years she left me to see other guys. Yes we did meet in high school and yes I was her "first everything", however she was not my 1st...
Results 1 to 11 of 11