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Type: Posts; User: dontknownuthin

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  1. Answers

    Not friends. Give back half as you offered and be...

    Not friends. Give back half as you offered and be done with them.
  2. Answers

    Thw point of dating is to get to know the other...

    Thw point of dating is to get to know the other person and determine what, if any, role you might best have in each other's lives. It is figuring out if you are compatible now, not if you can force...
  3. Answers

    If you are prepared to support yourself and move...

    If you are prepared to support yourself and move out, go for it.
  4. He can obtain a new copy of his birth certificate...

    He can obtain a new copy of his birth certificate from the county clerk where he was born and can obtain a new social security card from social security. Some of these agencies have online options...
  5. First, is this an online relationship? If so,...

    First, is this an online relationship? If so, you are likely being catfished.
    Second, if you have met and spent time with her in person, perhaps she likes the conversation and idea of moving in...
  6. Answers

    I think you might want to give people a break. ...

    I think you might want to give people a break. People ask these questions either because they weren't aware of all the information (asking whether someone's going up by an elevator is not dumb if...
  7. Answers

    No self-respecting 50 year old person will date a...

    No self-respecting 50 year old person will date a 20 year old. I am 53 and would not date anyone younger than late 40s. Why? Because it takes substance to make a relationship work, which includes...
  8. I would not recommend buying property with a...

    I would not recommend buying property with a romantic partner to whom you are not married. If you break up, it's a mess. Someone has to move out and you do not have the financial protections of...
  9. In high school? How about you start by asking...

    In high school? How about you start by asking her out for a movie and maybe take her out for pie or ice cream after the show... you know, a normal date. Or invite her to one of the school dances...
  10. I mean only to help you by telling you that your...

    I mean only to help you by telling you that your vision of love and romance is rather immature. If you want a man to constantly go on parade to prove he loves you, you are going to end up with...
  11. Perhaps iron?

    Perhaps iron?
  12. Answers

    This is about 10 days old so maybe you already...

    This is about 10 days old so maybe you already addressed this. I would probably send a card with $50. If I had gone to the wedding, it would have been $100. People go to a lot of expense related...
  13. I would not get an attorney through your...

    I would not get an attorney through your insurance company. Call a personal injury attorney in your area and have them handle negotiations. If you have already reported the damages to the car, that...
  14. I believe there was a similar case related to...

    I believe there was a similar case related to Starbucks where management was dipping into tips and the baristas sued successfully.
  15. Answers

    Do not be rude but do be clear. For example,...

    Do not be rude but do be clear. For example, "you are very kind and i appreciate that it must have been very difficult to share these feelings with me. Thank you for telling me. Unfortunately, my...
  16. Answers

    Tell your parents. This is a pedophile behaviour...

    Tell your parents. This is a pedophile behaviour and is very serious. He may have a record for it or may be molesting your friend. Do not go back to her house and never be around him. Do not accept...
  17. Answers


  18. Answers

    You can do what you like but honestly... you are...

    You can do what you like but honestly... you are a grown up. Celebrate your birthday another weekend. Your question makes you sound like an 8 year old that has to have her princess party.
  19. You would need good counsel. If you have a drug...

    You would need good counsel. If you have a drug or alcohol issue, or other social issues, probably not. If you have a stable life, are able to support the children, can be relied upon to keep them...
  20. I recommend buying them all at the time of...

    I recommend buying them all at the time of registration but make sure they can be returned if they will not be used. I used to ask my professors straight out whether the books are needed and if...
  21. I think you should let her know the concerns you...

    I think you should let her know the concerns you have about remaining in teaching and ask for her advice. She sounds like a caring person who knows you well and has your best interests at heart. I...
  22. RS - thank you. As mentioned, my son now...

    RS - thank you.

    As mentioned, my son now lives with me - after I kicked him out two years ago - because he cleaned up his act and is doing as expected. I do not approve of the vaping and he now...
  23. My son and I attended a party with mutual friends...

    My son and I attended a party with mutual friends where my sister was also present. She obsessively returned the topic of the conversation back to the news that she had "quit" smoking. She never...
  24. My sister is 54 so no age-based excuse. My son...

    My sister is 54 so no age-based excuse. My son was using regular pot - tested. Tested to the degree possible for the synthetics as well, with his consent - they checked for various toxins like...
  25. Boundaries for family with our adult children

    I have a 22 year old son who has been in a world of trouble due to some very poor choices when he was 18-19. He totalled my car, then his father (we are divorced) helped him purchase two more cars. ...
  26. Answers

    She sounds mentally ill. I would report the issue...

    She sounds mentally ill. I would report the issue to the association and let them know you'd like to avoid contacting the police, but that the entire association should not be storing stolen items. ...
  27. Answers

    You need an attorney. And you would need to be...

    You need an attorney. And you would need to be formally evicted in most instances. It appears that this was a premarital asset of your husbands, whether he owned it outright or with his wife. I'm...
  28. I would recommend that you go to a tax preparer...

    I would recommend that you go to a tax preparer because even American citizens who speak English as a first language and have experience with American income taxes can often benefit from using a...
  29. Answers

    If he invites you on a date, he pays. If you are...

    If he invites you on a date, he pays. If you are in an ongoingbrelstionship.though, you shouox discuss expectations around money. Most young guys today csnnot always pay.

    Yoy may want...
  30. Answers

    I told my son he should not expect total privacy....

    I told my son he should not expect total privacy. I would not walk in when he was using the bathroom, showering or changing. I stepped out when he had a physical or when he was.on the phone with his...
  31. Answers

    You should wear a seatbelt. Your arguments...

    You should wear a seatbelt. Your arguments against it are dumb. Your friend's driving record is irrelevant. He's not driving every car on the road - you could be hit by someone else. Most fatal...
  32. Answers

    I have to agree with the other posts. As I said...

    I have to agree with the other posts. As I said before, we have married couples at my office and nobody cares. Then again, none of them flirt at work. None of them distract each other or make up...
  33. I have seen a lot of women waste 20 years of...

    I have seen a lot of women waste 20 years of suffering and abuse, making themselves totally unavailable for a healthy relationship, trying to turn some jerk into something resembling their idea of...
  34. Answers

    There are a few dating and married couples in my...

    There are a few dating and married couples in my office- nobody cares. They all met there. But if you date a coworker you could lose your job, so you have to decide if you are interested enough to...
  35. This is a dumb, dead end relationship. Kick him...

    This is a dumb, dead end relationship. Kick him out or break the lease and move out. Get a restraining order. Don't talk to him and avoid letting him know where you are. Change your phone number...
  36. Answers

    Update- I fought it and they are replacing all of...

    Update- I fought it and they are replacing all of the cabinets. I found relevant case law so they gave in.
  37. Answers

    Matching required in Illinois?

    My kitchen was flooded by an upstairs neighbor. The insurance company and I agree half the cabinets have been ruined. They want to only replace the cabinet boxes of the damaged cabinets and make me...
  38. Answers

    I think he and his kids should move out. Kids...

    I think he and his kids should move out. Kids need therapy to.cope.with Mom's suicide. Dad needs therapy for divorce and loss of ex and new single dad role. He needs guidance on supporting the...
  39. "Making love" means having sex. Some people use...

    "Making love" means having sex. Some people use the terms interchangeably whether the two people actually lovr each other or not. Some differentiate between just hooking up for sex, as compared to...
  40. Answers

    You can be Christian and also sin, but then the...

    You can be Christian and also sin, but then the teaching of the Christian faiths (and non-Christian faiths) is that there are consequences for your decisions. Perhaps this teaching evolved from the...
  41. Answers

    Thanks, Joy. I got more feedback on this from my...

    Thanks, Joy. I got more feedback on this from my doctor. He thinks a negative result is highly unlikely but said he wants to confirm because if it's actually celiac I have to be religious about...
  42. Answers

    Celiac diagnosis question

    I am looking for some additional opinions - of course asking my doctor as well. I had a positive blood test result for celiac. Why is it necessary, or is it, to follow up with endoscopy/biopsy? Do...
  43. Not true.

    Not true.
  44. Contact your local office of the IBEW, which...

    Contact your local office of the IBEW, which stands for International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. It is the electrician's union. Ask how to become an apprentice. The apprentice program...
  45. Answers

    Nobody can reasonably give you a price based on...

    Nobody can reasonably give you a price based on this description. The stones have to be inspected carefully for size and quality as well as the setting and condition. But the figures you mention...
  46. Answers

    The best way to make friends in school is to get...

    The best way to make friends in school is to get involved - sports, theater, clubs, band - and you naturally get to know people better. Otherwise, just be friendly - don't force it but smile, say...
  47. Answers

    Outdoor carpet removal

    I purchased a 1970s condo, which I am rennovating. The large concrete patio is covered in green outdoor carpet and I want to remove it and just have bare concrete. The patio is covered but not...
  48. There is nothing for you to do but perhaps ask if...

    There is nothing for you to do but perhaps ask if you can spend your time with him absent her company and outside of their house. She sounds nutty and unsafe. Perhaps your mother can informally ask...
  49. Answers

    If I were you, I would make an appointment to see...

    If I were you, I would make an appointment to see the dean. Bring the paper and source materials and let the dean know you are considering dropping over this incident and ask if anything can be...
  50. Answers

    Move on with your life. You don't have to hate...

    Move on with your life. You don't have to hate him but pretending you're just friends is hurtful and you aren't going to be OK with downshifting to being one of his buddies and hearing about his new...
Results 1 to 50 of 500