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Type: Posts; User: phildesign

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  1. Answers

    You may want to look up this book: Back...

    You may want to look up this book:
    Back Sufferers's Bible
    Author: Sarah Key
    Ge the second edition

    Great advise in how to self heal back issues.
  2. Answers

    Whitewashing cedar planks for outdoor use

    I have been doing a fair amount of research, went to several paint shops, visited Home Depot and Lowe's, yet could not get a clear answer that would help me with my project.

    I'm in the process of...
  3. Answers

    Garage insulation and mold prevention

    Our garage has been smelling musty for a while. Recently I noticed the smell getting stronger in the house and so we decided to ask contractors to come in. It wasn't clear to me weather the smell was...
  4. Thanks Mike, Mind me asking what product you...

    Thanks Mike,
    Mind me asking what product you used on your floor?
  5. Thanks for the suggestion Mike, It's been three...

    Thanks for the suggestion Mike,
    It's been three months since I started to dry out the basement. The water never was really standing much; the carpet that was on top of the tiling acted as a wick but...
  6. Finishing concrete floor with moisture issue

    Our home recently got wet when a storm of the century hit the region. I don't know where the water came from since I wasn't home but I believe it came from the ground.

    Three months later I'm...
  7. Answers

    Thanks so much for all your replies. This was...

    Thanks so much for all your replies. This was very helpful!
  8. Answers

    Is this bug eating my shrubs?

    I have several shrubs and bushes that have been eaten up and I'm not sure what is eating it and how to fight it!
    The leaves have holes and big chunks missing. The plants are suffering quite a bit....
  9. This is great help, thanks for the response.

    This is great help, thanks for the response.
  10. UL certification advice regarding power strips

    I'm currently in the process of developing a product that incorporates a power strip. The power strip is housed (encased) but physically not altered. If the power strip is UL certified, would my new...
  11. Thanks labman, You were right; it took about 5...

    Thanks labman,
    You were right; it took about 5 minutes for the heater to run without the fan until the limit switch activated the fan. I guess all is well then. Thanks a lot for your expertise.. :) ...
  12. How can I make Furnace fan automatically turn off when heater turns off?

    I have a Thermo Pride OH5-85. There are two manual switches installed next to the unit. One turns on the heater one the fan.
    I'm unable to find out how to have the heater and fan respond to my...
Results 1 to 12 of 12