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Type: Posts; User: JoeCanada76

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  1. Question: Brain Washed

    by JoeCanada76

    Sounds like they are concerned for your well...

    Sounds like they are concerned for your well being! Does not have anything to do with maturity level. We are only getting one side of the story. It does sound like their is paranoia on your part....
  2. Question: 21 dating 18

    by JoeCanada76

    3 years is really no difference at all . Who...

    3 years is really no difference at all . Who really cares what the community thinks. It's up to you to live your own life. Just be natural and see how it goes.
  3. Drop him like a hot potato. That is the only...

    Drop him like a hot potato. That is the only option you have in this situation.
  4. Question: Is it over ?

    by JoeCanada76

    If you have to ask the question. Then yes my...

    If you have to ask the question. Then yes my opinion is it is over.

    You said that you have only been together since dec 2012 that is not really that long.

    Been friends for 5 years maybe he...
  5. Answers

    Being in a vulnerable kneeling in prayer. ...

    Being in a vulnerable kneeling in prayer. Anybody that goes up to kneel to be prayed for will have people laying hands on them praying for them. Its to be expected actually. Also usually in that...
  6. Answers

    The original poster asked for thoughts and...

    The original poster asked for thoughts and suggestions and on what to do. I hope the original poster will be able to sort through all of this thread and make decisions on how to approach this.. ...
  7. Answers

    Actually you have that backwards. According to...

    Actually you have that backwards. According to the new testament. Its not by my standards, that they have done wrong to this person. That was doing what the Holy spirit led him to do, which was to...
  8. Answers

    I meant to say that by the church elders...

    I meant to say that by the church elders questioning the original posters acts by laying of hands.
  9. Answers

    You might disagree, but the elders of the church...

    You might disagree, but the elders of the church are elected by men. Not by God. I think the so called church elders did wrong.

    There are many examples in the bible that the so called Prophets...
  10. Question: Scorpio Woman

    by JoeCanada76

    You keep changing the story. I smell something...

    You keep changing the story. I smell something fishy. First you give him an ultimatum and then now you are denying it. Sorry your story does not add up. There are more holes in this story then a...
  11. Question: Scorpio Woman

    by JoeCanada76

    I think you are immature and childish. First you...

    I think you are immature and childish. First you make comments about how he is a leo and you are a scorpio. Is this how you make decisions in life? As far as giving ultimatums that is not really a...
  12. Answers

    You know what, if they have such an issue of...

    You know what, if they have such an issue of your laying hands to pray. Maybe it is not the right church for you.

    The thing is laying of hands and praying for another is a spiritual act. You...
  13. Answers

    Have you been to a medical doctor? How often,...

    Have you been to a medical doctor?

    How often, and how frequent? Is there any medications or other drugs that you are on or take?

    There are so many possibilities it is best to seek medical care...
  14. That is exactly what I was thinking Alty. ...

    That is exactly what I was thinking Alty.

    Counseling is needed. There are major issues here, that he is unwilling to look at.

    The only person that can help, is yourself. None of us can do...
  15. First - She was not being insensitive. She was...

    First - She was not being insensitive. She was inviting you to a party.

    Second - You are your worst enemy.

    Third - It is you that is creating these images, and using your imagination for...
  16. Question: Ringworm

    by JoeCanada76

    It is important to get advice and to get it...

    It is important to get advice and to get it looked at by a medical doctor. There might be treatment needed that is not over the counter. Please advice people to see a medical doctor especially when...
  17. Question: Ringworm

    by JoeCanada76

    You need to go see a medical doctor.

    You need to go see a medical doctor.
  18. Question: Lamotrigine

    by JoeCanada76

    My wife is on 500 mg per day. It is a fairly...

    My wife is on 500 mg per day. It is a fairly high dose. Each person is different how they respond to certain medications and why they are prescribed.

    Your circumstance is different but in all...
  19. Answers

    That is not what I said. You are having doubts,...

    That is not what I said. You are having doubts, and questioning it. I am just saying in my own personal experience and opinion. That you would know the difference whether it was coming from God or...
  20. Question: Lamotrigine

    by JoeCanada76

    Majority of doctors do not test for blood levels...

    Majority of doctors do not test for blood levels for this drug. This drug is dependent on dose and how you respond to certain doses to this medication. I am unsure why it is that the doctor wants...
  21. Answers

    Well If you are having dreams that are coming...

    Well If you are having dreams that are coming true? You know that things will happen before they happen? If that is the case then you can warn people of certain events as a way of protecting them? ...
  22. Answers

    I would like to add something. You as a...

    I would like to add something.

    You as a patient are lucky that you did not get charged with assault against the nurse. It could have went either way. Why five years later? Like everyone else...
  23. Answers

    Many people complain that being too dry is an...

    Many people complain that being too dry is an issue. Being wet or too wet would be beneficial in love making ? Not sure what is so disturbing about it?
  24. Answers

    Even if you were boyfriend and girlfriend. Does...

    Even if you were boyfriend and girlfriend. Does not mean that this person would have to answer to your every beckon call. People now a days. They have their own lives to lead. There own things to...
  25. Answers

    You need to leave, This is a abusive...

    You need to leave, This is a abusive relationship. Actually do not even call it a relationship five months. You know nothing about this person and he is keeping you in the dark.
    Leave, end it. ...
  26. Tal, Hit it on the nail. He should not have...


    Hit it on the nail. He should not have given you any money in the first place.

    No one here is judging you, they are here to show you. The part that you played in this relationship even...
  27. You say that he is rich, well there are many...

    You say that he is rich, well there are many things and ways of living everyday life that he has got accustomed to because he if frugal. You may think he is being cheap but maybe he is being smart...
  28. Answers

    Just remember that being freaked out or showing...

    Just remember that being freaked out or showing fear, will actually make things seem worse. Easy to say I know. The question would be are any of the other family members experiencing any weird...
  29. Answers

    You are not crazy but defiantly lots of...

    You are not crazy but defiantly lots of explanations. I sometimes hear my name being called and have no idea where it came from, but guarantee we have all experienced it at times. Houses tend to...
  30. Question: Pregnancy

    by JoeCanada76

    Defiantly get a second opinion. Depending on...

    Defiantly get a second opinion. Depending on what type of ultrasound you have had, as the above answer has said. There are times where the heart beat is not able to be picked up. My wife had a...
  31. The thing is she has clearly said that it is done...

    The thing is she has clearly said that it is done and over. You may love her but if things are not progressing then there is going to be a break at some point. Adding long distance does not help...
  32. Anybody personal experience on Effexor XL

    Anybody have any experience with this medication for anxiety/panic attacks?
  33. Have had 3 bbq so far this spring. It is in the...

    Have had 3 bbq so far this spring. It is in the air.
  34. Question: Back pain

    by JoeCanada76

    Go back to the doctor. Suggest getting blood...

    Go back to the doctor. Suggest getting blood work done, maybe getting an MRI done. Being referred to somebody that might know what is going on. Pain going down your leg from your back.

    If you...
  35. Wanted to say hello to you all, it has been a...

    Wanted to say hello to you all, it has been a while. Been busy (;

    Will try to get caught up sometime, lol... Not sure how long that will take.

    It was a really good relaxing weekend. Wife is...
  36. Going to say Goodnight... Almost that time to...

    Going to say
    Goodnight... Almost that time to hit the bed.

    Maybe there will be enough snow to have a snow ball fight with,. man, the winters here are awesome. Mostly summer weather. When...
  37. Both are so very important (;

    Both are so very important (;
  38. Not sure if I can do what you do J9. At least...

    Not sure if I can do what you do J9.
    At least where I work, majority of the people that pass away on us. Has lived a full life, although does not make a death any easier.

    So sorry that you lost...
  39. So true Alty, (; Before I know it he will...

    So true Alty, (;

    Before I know it he will be married and having children of his own.

    Okay well hopefully not that soon...

    How are you ladies tonight?

    I love working in the medical...
  40. J9, yes he certainly is. Time goes by so fast. ...

    J9, yes he certainly is. Time goes by so fast. Wow. (;
  41. Hope you get some sleep Synn, Well I am off...

    Hope you get some sleep Synn,

    Well I am off for a week, not because I want to be. Was told to come back in a week. Nothing trouble wise.

    There is quite a series form of bug going around and...
  42. Original user name was Jesushelper76, Used that...

    Original user name was Jesushelper76, Used that name when I started on the original sites not sure how many years ago. Had it for a long time. Now Joe my name, and Canada where I am from. Seems...
  43. Was going to add some pictures, but every single...

    Was going to add some pictures, but every single one of them keep failing on me.

    Going to join in. Hope all is well with everyone. Popping in to say hello to everyone.
  44. Under 20 dollars an hour is excellent pay. How...

    Under 20 dollars an hour is excellent pay. How do you know that she is not saving any of the money? She might be sitting on a nest egg for all you know. 3 years full time job and a supervisor. ...
  45. Answers

    Stop focusing so much on her education. She is 6...

    Stop focusing so much on her education. She is 6 years old. She is a child. Having fun and playing is education and a way too learn. How old are you? Why do you think it is a responsibility you...
  46. A year is way too long. You have created this so...

    A year is way too long. You have created this so called monster by handing everything to her on a gold plated platter. Waiting and waiting and prolonging the inevitable is only going to make the...
  47. Answers

    Sticky: Congratulations Stringer... (;

    Congratulations Stringer... (;
  48. Sometimes the only thing you can do is tell a...

    Sometimes the only thing you can do is tell a bully to f--- off. That might create some more tension but this person knowing that you will stand up for yourself maybe will back down in the future. ...
  49. Answers

    You need to read the book The Secret...

    You need to read the book The Secret...
  50. Answers

    Need to give more information on the situation. ...

    Need to give more information on the situation. It does not sound like a regular thing. Girls going out for a time at the casino. Is it the casino that bothers you or that you are not their to...
Results 1 to 50 of 500