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Type: Posts; User: MCpoodle

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  1. Answers

    I'd really like to stay with the company. See the...

    I'd really like to stay with the company. See the thing is I switched jobs (willingly) to a new position and I HATE it and I have to stay for at least a year before I'm eligible to bid onto another...
  2. Answers

    Looking for career/life advice

    After working in a strenuous manual labor setting for the past three years I feel as if I've reached my breaking point. I've wanted to get out but it has evolved into an obsession now, the work is...
  3. To be honest I know very little of how funds...

    To be honest I know very little of how funds work, how FEES work and about TYPE... I just see that Chipotle is very low right now (460 a share) and I have confidence that it'll be restored to it's...
  4. Simplest way to get started investing in stocks?

    So I've never invested before, after a few searches I get recommended (given my preferences) to a discount brokerage site like Scottrade. Scottrade makes me nervous, the whole idea of putting my...
Results 1 to 4 of 4