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  1. Answers

    Thank you all for the replies! It really helps...

    Thank you all for the replies! It really helps shine some light on the situation. I think I understand now that maybe I am just trying to fill a void with him and maybe I'm not completely over my ex...
  2. Answers

    Don't know how to move forward

    I've been seeing a guy for three months now. I'm 21 and he's 27. I'm not sure if it's the age difference but having trouble with making things more serious with him. I'm currently going through a...
  3. Answers

    I hated my husband so why do I care he's gone?

    Hello all!

    So to spare you all the gory details of my dysfunctional marriage I'll sum it all up by being quick and brief. Long story short, my marriage suffered everything from betrayal, domestic...
  4. Worried current boyfriend is not over his ex girlfriend

    I've been dating a new guy for about a month and a half now. He is in the army and from a different state. So far, our relationship has been going great but recently a conversation about his ex came...
Results 1 to 4 of 4