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  1. Answers

    How exactly, services like "Orbitz" work

    I've been trying to find cheap hotel rates through all of these "cheap hotel " websites and all I'm finding are pretty much actual prices. Am I not searching far enough, something I'm not seeing or...
  2. Find an ex-football player willing to make an appearance

    Where might I start if I wanted to find an ex Dallas Cowboy football player who might be in my area mid August and be willing to make an appearance at my son and daughter in law's wedding reception?
  3. Title of an 80's or 90's made, southern movie

    This warm hearted movie revolved around a little white girl who was taken under wing by an older black couple living in a remote area of the south. Although this little girl had family, she...
  4. Non-western, non-Dirty Harry, Clint Eastwood movie

    I'm looking for the title of a Clint Eastwood movie possibly from the 90's where he played a thief who witnessed a murder.
Results 1 to 4 of 4