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Type: Posts; User: jmw0713

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  1. Answers

    Advice about a Just Friends situation

    Hey everyone,

    Been a long time since posting on here. Here is my issue:

    Me and this girl were seeing each other for the last few months. She recently moved into town from CA. She is a divorcée...
  2. Answers

    The whole proposal merry-go-round you played is...

    The whole proposal merry-go-round you played is not good and doesn't show her that you're very willing to commit. That is probably where her beef with you is.

    This is what she is thinking "6...
  3. Answers

    Here is some advice that helped me a while back. ...

    Here is some advice that helped me a while back. Since you live in the city, it should be easy to find things to do. Go out with your friends and stay busy with activities and social plans. This...
  4. Answers

    Awesome news bro. Good luck with the new girl!

    Awesome news bro. Good luck with the new girl!
  5. Answers


  6. Answers

    You'll get over it soon enough. Focus on all the...

    You'll get over it soon enough. Focus on all the other things you have going on in your life. That will help.
  7. Answers

    Don't eat where you crap... Or is it don't crap...

    Don't eat where you crap... Or is it don't crap where you eat... Either way dating at work is tough, unless you work in completely different departments and don't see each other during the day.
  8. Answers

    Where to begin... No commitment. Isn't...

    Where to begin...

    No commitment. Isn't that the dream of every tool... oh excuse me... "guy".

    What you don't realize is that he slept with her too. Not once but twice.
  9. Answers

    NC is not a tool to win someone back. It is used...

    NC is not a tool to win someone back. It is used for your own personal benefit to heal and move on.

    The ball is in her court to make amends, but don't put all your chips on that hoping it will...
  10. Question: Jstars00000 Story

    by jmw0713

    If the guys you're after only care about looks,...

    If the guys you're after only care about looks, then they are not the right guys for you. Plain and simple. Relationships based solely on looks are only fueled by lust anyway. That all fades after...
  11. Answers

    It sounds like he likes you. Those are some...

    It sounds like he likes you. Those are some pretty common ways of how guys flirt: play fighting, joking around, teasing, and other stuff like that.

    I wouldn't stress over it too much. If you...
  12. Answers

    Others may disagree, but I would just enjoy the...

    Others may disagree, but I would just enjoy the time you have together. If you have fun, great! If you have fun and then have sex, great! Just remember (to validate what everyone else has said),...
  13. Wow. This was a whirlwind story. Like ironhide...

    Wow. This was a whirlwind story. Like ironhide said, you two moved WAY too fast. I can understand moving in together after dating for a year or two, but two months in? No way! Proposing to her 9...
  14. Answers

    I agree with the posts above. If she only...

    I agree with the posts above. If she only mentions him every so often, you have nothing to worry about. Everyone has memories of the past and of the people they shared their lives with. If she...
  15. Answers

    You still are comparing this guy with the last...

    You still are comparing this guy with the last guy. Not going to work. Everyone is different, just like every relationship is different. It's not very fair for you to compare your current BF to...
  16. Listen to what Tal says. He speaks the truth. ...

    Listen to what Tal says. He speaks the truth. From time to time I need to refresh myself on his rules to keep myself from venturing down the dark path of lust (very hard not to), infatuation,...
  17. Answers

    OK. Right off the bat, you are reading way too...

    OK. Right off the bat, you are reading way too far into her possible "ulterior motive" for giving you your stuff back. If you don't want to see her, tell her to mail you the stuff. However, since...
  18. Answers

    Nothing risked nothing gained my friend. You...

    Nothing risked nothing gained my friend. You both have fun together and get along well. You have a lot in common and enjoy spending time together.

    At the end of your "date", take her by the...
  19. I just went through something similar. Big age...

    I just went through something similar. Big age gap (I'm 28, she was 41)... Basically just a fling for a few weeks that ended last night. During the brief period we were seeing each other, we had a...
  20. Answers

    Yes. Get your dad out of the house and go to the...

    Yes. Get your dad out of the house and go to the shore with him. It will be a nice way to help each other through this and get the healing process started.

    I felt the same way you did when my...
  21. I'm glad you feel that way. Just be careful. ...

    I'm glad you feel that way. Just be careful. Many times painful emotions will rear their ugly head when you least expect it.
  22. Here is a Warning: You are getting an...

    Here is a Warning:

    You are getting an emotional boost from the fact that she hasn't found anyone yet. This is now feeding a sense of false hope that she will possibly get back together with you. ...
  23. Sorry for the harshness, but you need someone to...

    Sorry for the harshness, but you need someone to slap you upside your head to get you thinking properly.

    Why are you being her doormat? The guy in her apartment is either her pimp or is F-ing...
  24. Answers

    Feelings change and people change. There is...

    Feelings change and people change. There is nothing you can do about most of the time. This was most likely a decision she made WAY before she actually broke-up with you.

    Don't take it to...
  25. Nothing is wrong with you. You had a deep...

    Nothing is wrong with you. You had a deep emotional connection with this chick and she cast you aside. The healing process takes time. During that time your emotions will be all over the place. ...
  26. You need to let the wounds heal before you can...

    You need to let the wounds heal before you can even think about being friends. Doing so before this happens will just make both of you miserable. If you really care about yourself, and her for that...
  27. We're not really hating. We just see this sort...

    We're not really hating. We just see this sort of thing day in and day out. Do you think you are the only girl who has come on here hung up over some guy? Do you think you are the only person who...
  28. Yes you can dream, but what you have here is pure...

    Yes you can dream, but what you have here is pure infatuation. That isn't a good thing.

    And... Yes, it's fine to flirt with guys, but in your case you are not flirting. You are trying to...
  29. Answers

    Take the time away and talk to her when you get...

    Take the time away and talk to her when you get back. She isn't going anywhere AND you will have a ton to catch up on.
  30. So you think that being a tease will make him...

    So you think that being a tease will make him want you more? Using sex as a weapon NEVER WORKS!

    I see this going one of two ways:

    1. You're a tease. He gets wise to your game and hooks up...
  31. Answers

    Chill... She is busy. No need to blow up her...


    She is busy. No need to blow up her phone or inbox. This is where you make your own plans with your friends and find something else to do.

    This will show her you are not needy and...
  32. Follow your plan. I will check back on this site...

    Follow your plan. I will check back on this site and read your future posts when you are heartbroken, feel used, and continue to wonder why he still doesn't want to be more than friends with you.
  33. Answers

    Stuff happens. Those notes helped you. They...

    Stuff happens. Those notes helped you. They were not meant for her. If she read them, then she was being nosy and it's really her fault if anything contained in them was "hurtful" to her. She...
  34. No Contact rule is not a tool used to get them...

    No Contact rule is not a tool used to get them back. It is used to help you move on and heal.
  35. Actions speak louder than words. If a really...

    Actions speak louder than words. If a really wanted to be with you, he would be. But instead he is feeding you BS over and over again to keep you close and to play with your mind.

    Set yourself...
  36. In this situation, ignorance is bliss... trust me...

    In this situation, ignorance is bliss... trust me on that one. No need to check up on her, you have to worry about getting things straight in your own life.

    Any new information about her is going...
  37. Answers

    As a man, I will never understand why women do...

    As a man, I will never understand why women do certain things, why they think a certain way, or why they date certain people... So, I'm not going to try now.

    Thanks for the balancer Kitkat.
  38. Answers

    You still had movies that glamorized that type of...

    You still had movies that glamorized that type of persona. What would give you the original idea to rebel in the first place? Those movies were just as popular with society as "reality" TV is...
  39. Answers

    I've wondered the same thing myself when I hear...

    I've wondered the same thing myself when I hear my female friends complain about the guys they are with... LOL! Then when a guy comes along who has his s--- together, they're not as "in" to him.
  40. Yes! If you have a medical condition that needs...

    Yes! If you have a medical condition that needs medication, take it. I also suffer from depression. I stopped taking my medication until recently... I have no idea why I stopped. I feel a lot...
  41. Give it more time. You'll see. Go out and have...

    Give it more time. You'll see. Go out and have fun with your buddies.
  42. Take her off the pedestal you put her on. She...

    Take her off the pedestal you put her on. She isn't a trophy and doesn't deserve to be thought as one. She is no better than the next girl out there and you need to figure that out.

    You were...
  43. Healing is hard when you keep contacting the...

    Healing is hard when you keep contacting the source of your pain. It's like an addictive drug. When you quit, you need to do it for life. Even if you try it again, one time, you relapse. In this...
  44. Answers

    I told my ex that I never wanted her to call or...

    I told my ex that I never wanted her to call or text me again. It has worked so far... Haven't heard from her in almost 9 months.
  45. If you don't have enough respect for yourself to...

    If you don't have enough respect for yourself to stop him from using you for sex, then I don't know if anyone can help you with your problem.

    You are going to keep getting hurt over and over again...
  46. The guy sounds like a big lying douchebag. So he...

    The guy sounds like a big lying douchebag. So he has cheated on you twice so far, and is actively seeking other women on dating sites, all while claiming that it's just an ego boost?

  47. Question: Need opinions

    by jmw0713

    If you're not in it 100% you need to tell him and...

    If you're not in it 100% you need to tell him and leave. Better sooner than later when stuff really starts going down hill.

    It is not fair to either one of you to continue this is, if it is going...
  48. Answers

    She's done. You should have kicked her to the...

    She's done. You should have kicked her to the curb the first time. At least now you made the right choice for yourself. She is selfish. Go find someone who appreciates you and don't look back.
  49. Question: Money...

    by jmw0713

    Trying to be friends after being lovers is one of...

    Trying to be friends after being lovers is one of the hardest things to do. Its like being demoted at work, when you know you are you are fully qualified, then finding out they hired some dumba-- to...
  50. Answers

    It may be hard but, try to not let your past...

    It may be hard but, try to not let your past factor in to this relationship.

    Unless something doesn't feel right, there should be no reason not to trust your BF.

    Given your past, you may want...
Results 1 to 50 of 500