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Type: Posts; User: andrewc24301

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  1. I'd like to see a picture of this stove. Do you...

    I'd like to see a picture of this stove. Do you have one?
  2. My honest advice is to leave it the way it is....

    My honest advice is to leave it the way it is. Just turn it off if you leave the cabin for a long time. May be more than you need, but better than running out of hot water.


    In answer to...
  3. Answers

    Really, all you need is just people on board. If...

    Really, all you need is just people on board. If you look at AMHD's stats, you will see there are thousands of members, some of them very active. Really, just anouth members within an a few hundred...
  4. Answers

    Thanks for the info. Don't know what's going to...

    Thanks for the info. Don't know what's going to happen. Sometimes one threatens to leave while the other threatens to lay off, sometimes one does it and the other don't.

    Sometimes every plays...
  5. Answers

    I agree, most of the past few post were just fun...

    I agree, most of the past few post were just fun electrical talk.
  6. Answers

    You know, I thought about this answer a little,...

    You know, I thought about this answer a little, and I'm curious, how does that type of button work anyway? I too have seen them here and there, but I've never seen a diagram for it.

    Do you have...
  7. Answers

    True, with a latching relay, the possibilties are...

    True, with a latching relay, the possibilties are endless!
  8. All this doesn't even factor the inefficencies of...

    All this doesn't even factor the inefficencies of the internal combustion engine which can loose up to 75% of its energy in heat lost.

    I also realize that in my above post, at the end, you still...
  9. Clete is correct, 30 kilowatts would be enough to...

    Clete is correct, 30 kilowatts would be enough to power the car, however then what you have is a pepetural motion machine, which to date, is considered impossible. Everything must burn some kind of...
  10. Answers

    Perhaps a push button system is the answer. I...

    Perhaps a push button system is the answer. I myself can be a bit obsessive about things. My wife has helped to back off a little over the years. It still bugs me when furniture is crooked. Swithes...
  11. Okay, I see where it came from now... ...

    Okay, I see where it came from now...

    Okay, I stand by my post. It's accurate, however there are sacrifices you make, I have made them. It's a choice. Although the intent of the comment...
  12. Elliot: Everyone is required to choose...


    Everyone is required to choose something. I'm not suggesting everyone follow my lead and live life the way I do. My lifestyle won't work for everyone. But if you are not required to choose...
  13. Answers

    Very possible, I sort of lost myself about half...

    Very possible, I sort of lost myself about half way through that... LOL
  14. Answers

    I feel that if you turn all the switches (flip...

    I feel that if you turn all the switches (flip them over) so that down = off, then no matter what happens with 3 or 4 way switches, there should always be a method to return them to "home" posistion....
  15. -Andy

  16. Well, you won't hear me argue the point that our...

    Well, you won't hear me argue the point that our entire government is a crock. Both democrats and republicans.

    But back to borrowing money to buy stuff you can't afford. Unfortunately, that seems...
  17. Well put

    Well put
  18. Well, paraclete, andrewc24301 hasn't done...

    Well, paraclete, andrewc24301 hasn't done anything to you, I'm just a simple man trying to get through life like everyone else. You are not buying "my" junk. I don't even produce things, I fix other...
  19. Well, if the rest of the world doesn't want our...

    Well, if the rest of the world doesn't want our factories, then I personally wouldn't mind seeing the back home. No argument here. To that I say, if people don't want our American crap- then stop...
  20. Hello Elliot, your post was long, so I will cover...

    Hello Elliot, your post was long, so I will cover each response one by one, my response in italics.

    OK... so all of the people living in MOST of California (which is the most populace state in the...
  21. Fear not, half that stuff you listed is not...

    Fear not, half that stuff you listed is not longer produced here anymore anyway.

    And a big Mac IS NOT an "American Cheeseburger"

    You want an "American Cheeseburger" stop off at the Citgo...
  22. Simple: Do not live in such a place. It CAN be...

    Simple: Do not live in such a place.

    It CAN be done, believe it or not, having a car is a very recent trend. For 4,000 years, humanity seemed to chug along without them.
    Now in the last 50 years...
  23. Exactly. This is about moving cars, if you really...

    Exactly. This is about moving cars, if you really want to reduce your carbon foot print, don't drive. Walk. Move out of the subburbs and closer to your job. You can have an old truck that gets 10...
  24. And how! Will never forget the day I heard a...

    And how!

    Will never forget the day I heard a 480 dead short inside a j-box in the wall of a garbage disposer at a hospital. I was standing in the hall way about 40 feet away when the maintenance...
  25. There is still 49 questions left...

    There is still 49 questions left...
  26. Answers

    I agree on the ohm meter. It's better practice,...

    I agree on the ohm meter. It's better practice, and probably safer.

    All that "shorting" could blow itself "open". You may flip on the breaker and nothing trip, yet you have two would be shorted...
  27. Answers

    Alimony during tough times


    If you work for a company that may be folding soon, and you find yourself out of a job, about the same time your wife decides she wants to leave you, and the judge orders alimony, yet you...
  28. Well ex, I hope you are correct, because Obama...

    Well ex,

    I hope you are correct, because Obama is really playing his cards now. If this money we spend doesn't work, then we will still be left with a troubled economy and high inflation to boot....
  29. Well, for me, the only logical way to make this...

    Well, for me, the only logical way to make this work, would be if I had just purchased a brand new gas guzzler, with many years still left to pay on it. Then I could trade it in for a more fuel...
  30. Answers

    I'm sure the cash for clunkers put a minor dent...

    I'm sure the cash for clunkers put a minor dent in the used car inventory. Having to disable them seems so wasteful. There are so many lower income families who could use a cheap dependable car, even...
  31. Answers

    Well, I'll probably pass, I think it's time for...

    Well, I'll probably pass, I think it's time for me to get the flu. I might still get the seasonal shot I always get, but this swine flu thing doesn't concern me.

    Plus, I love sick days. I don't...
  32. Answers

    Well one thing I notice, is that in 05, both...

    Well one thing I notice, is that in 05, both lines begin to drop. The blue line takes a nose dive, and the orage line slowly creeps downward until 07, then it plummets.

    So both plumments took...
  33. Answers

    Well, I can't speak for everyone, but as I stated...

    Well, I can't speak for everyone, but as I stated in another thread, I have a minvan that gets 40mpg highway. 200,000 miles, and it's paid for.

    I can't see trading that for a 400 per month...
  34. Jumping tracks for a moment here.. LINK...

    Jumping tracks for a moment here..


    Looks like Obama wrote a bunch of checks his butt can't cash.

    But honestly, did anyone really expect any kind of health care bill without some tax...
  35. Answers

    Not without public outrage. And regarding...

    Not without public outrage.

    And regarding China's men? Who needs girlfriends anymore anyway? There are so many alternatives. I know if I ever get out of this relationship I'm in alive I will NEVER...
  36. Answers

    That's what I'm saying.. I understand there are...

    That's what I'm saying.. I understand there are still many differences between American and communist China. But there are also many similarities.

    Perhaps it's time for a one child per couple...
  37. Answers

    It's hard to believe that van's year model was...

    It's hard to believe that van's year model was the same year I got my licence to drive...

    Seems just like yesterday I was this nervous pale little twirp, barley could see over the wheel... LOL...
  38. Answers

    Lets try this again... here's the pic.. BTW:...

    Lets try this again... here's the pic..

    BTW: Took the van to Tennessee last summer, calculated almost 45MPG highway...

    I wouldn't dream of trading this PAID FOR van in for a $500 per month...
  39. Answers

    Lets here it for the old cars and those who enjoy...

    Lets here it for the old cars and those who enjoy the lack of a car payment:

    Here is a picture of the most reliable car we've ever had.

    The 1997 Mercury Villager.
    198,000 miles
    Uses no oil...
  40. Well, my cost is about $240 every two weeks. It...

    Well, my cost is about $240 every two weeks. It cost my employer about $800 per month. $240X26=$6,240/12= $520 per month of my own expense. But I can think of better things I'd like to do with the...
  41. Answers

    Wait for it, I'm getting words on the street that...

    Wait for it, I'm getting words on the street that soda's are going the way of cigarettes, tax wise.

    Like I have said in other threads. They have reached the point where they can tax anything out...
  42. Answers

    Well, actually, and I have to be quick about this...

    Well, actually, and I have to be quick about this because I'm headed out the door for work, but the whole CFL legistlation was enacted while Bush was in office.
  43. Something I don't understand about the Health Care Debate


    There are a couple of things I don't understand about the health care debate.

    1) Everyone is talking about what happens if you don't have insurance. And everyone seems to think the...
  44. Answers

    Well, I don't think Obama will convert everyone...

    Well, I don't think Obama will convert everyone over to commies, at least not without one hell of a fight.

    And, I really don't think Obama is communist. The type of guy you con't want to give a...
  45. Answers

    No, I can't provide details. Like I said, these...

    No, I can't provide details. Like I said, these are just thoughts that come across my head during the day. The sources vary from news coverage, internet, "Joe" down the street, etc...

    How much...
  46. Answers

    Freedom? My quick though for the day.

    This will be short and sweet, just a quick thought that occurred to me whilst driving yesterday...

    Isn't it interesting how we live in the land of the free, yet almost all of our major employers...
  47. Answers

    I liked that... the twist with the rocks was cool.

    I liked that... the twist with the rocks was cool.
  48. Answers

    I may be off here... But I always thought...

    I may be off here...

    But I always thought that this was allowed, however you can not use a 20 AMP receptical in a 15 amp circuit.

    After all, an appliance that only draws 10 amps (and uses a 15...
  49. Answers

    All good sugestions, I'll add one: A typical...

    All good sugestions, I'll add one:

    A typical oven has two elements, a regular bake element on the bottom, and a broiler on the top. By just setting a temprature on the bake thermostat, the broiler...
  50. Answers

    Have you ever been in a house where they painted...

    Have you ever been in a house where they painted the outlets?

    It looks totally redneck. And I can say that because I come from a family of outlet painters, and rednecks.

    I myself can not stand...
Results 1 to 50 of 500