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Type: Posts; User: honeybun35

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  1. oh really? how not sure I just felt cause I'm on...

    oh really? how not sure I just felt cause I'm on phone it's green. I will check it.

  2. Easily there's people I see all the time that is...

    Easily there's people I see all the time that is never logged off. Not sure if you are on Facebook or Instagram but the green dot shows. If he is someone I communicate with on a regular for yrs and I...
  3. It would but as stated in the above because it's...

    It would but as stated in the above because it's on my cell phone I am always logged on so that day was no different then the others.
  4. Why would a guy who's not interested in a female notice she's online?

    My friend whom I have been going back and forth about noticed I guess I was online.
    Which is strange because on Facebook I am on all the time since it's on my phone. Well late Friday which was 1am...
Results 1 to 4 of 4