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Type: Posts; User: RyanC0617

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  1. Girlfriend says she's not attracted to me like she use to be.

    Threads merged

    So I am 19 years old about to be 20 and my girlfriend is 19 and about to be 20 too. We have been dating for 4.5 years and everything has seemed fine. She all of a sudden broke up...
  2. What I completely don't get is that she balls her...

    What I completely don't get is that she balls her eyes out about me and her friends go see her to talk to her to find out whatsup and she tells them she still loves me and they can tell she is wicked...
  3. Comment on adviceishere's post

    Yes I asked her why she didn't talk to me about this and she says she has been feelings like this for a couple weeks and has tried making it works but wants some times and can't be with me right now....
  4. Girlfriend says she needs time and if its meant to be we will be back together.

    So my girlfriend and I have been going out for 4 1/2 years and out of no where she sent me a text saying she can't be with me anymore and then I called her and she was crying and says she needs time...
Results 1 to 4 of 4