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Type: Posts; User: alkalineangel

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  1. Answers

    I've been gone for a while, but I knew startover...

    I've been gone for a while, but I knew startover well :( my heart breaks for her. I also knew Starbuck and cherry, though I hasn't heard that Cherry had finally passed on. I just remember her being...
  2. Answers

    OMG I love Axel's ear! He has grown so much!

    OMG I love Axel's ear! He has grown so much!
  3. Well that depends on the size of the pieces they...

    Well that depends on the size of the pieces they are in when you start to vacuum them up... I am unashamed of smashing a spider or four... ::shudder::
  4. Answers

    It can take a healthy, normal couple up to 1-2...

    It can take a healthy, normal couple up to 1-2 years to conceive naturally. Keep trying, learn to chart your cycle to find when you are ovulating and be patient. It is amazing how DIFFICULT it is to...
  5. Answers

    Unfortunately, none of us here can say for sure....

    Unfortunately, none of us here can say for sure. I'd would say, based on the timing, it is likely, however, it seems like you have been trying for some time if you are at the point to deal with...
  6. Answers

    The tests are only accurate during the times...

    The tests are only accurate during the times listed on the packaging. Typically no longer than 10 minutes after using the test. I suggest using the digital tests. (more expensive, but easier to read)...
  7. Question: Movie Title

    by alkalineangel

    Sounds like the Scarlett Letter with Demi Moore ...

    Sounds like the Scarlett Letter with Demi Moore

    The Scarlet Letter (1995 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  8. Answers

    Is it painful or does it drain any fluid or pus?...

    Is it painful or does it drain any fluid or pus? If not it is most likely a keloid (scar tissue) which are common. If it is painful to touch or is draining it could be an infection. If it is painful...
  9. Synn - I am so sorry for your loss. The death of...

    Synn - I am so sorry for your loss. The death of a friend is never easy, and I will do my best to send positive, healing energies your way.

    Alty - The same for you. I love my pets as children, and...
  10. Question: Late period

    by alkalineangel

    I would not consider anything less than 1 full...

    I would not consider anything less than 1 full week late. Our periods can be irregular from time to time. But it also could be too early to register on a pregnancy test. If it hasn't come in another...
  11. Answers

    If I had to guess based on dates and how far...

    If I had to guess based on dates and how far along you are, I would say the one in January, but sperm can live for several days in the womb, so Fr. Chuck is correct in saying the DNA test is the only...
  12. Answers

    It would be incredibly rare to be experiencing...

    It would be incredibly rare to be experiencing any pregnancy symptoms other than a missed period at this point. It is also very rare to have a false positive, however if it was a faint line, it could...
  13. Answers

    It is very rare to get a false positive, let...

    It is very rare to get a false positive, let alone two. She needs to make an appointment with her OBGYN and have it confirmed.
  14. Strength to you, friend.

    Strength to you, friend.
  15. Will you share? I love baby cheeks! :)

    Will you share? I love baby cheeks! :)
  16. It says 'While I breathe I'm yours.' It's a quote...

    It says 'While I breathe I'm yours.' It's a quote from a song. The 'e' at the end of breathe and the 's' at the end of yours are formed with the tree roots.
  17. When you are with your baby, are you...

    When you are with your baby, are you breastfeeding?
  18. Answers

    Take a pregnancy test. We can't tell you if you...

    Take a pregnancy test. We can't tell you if you are or not. But I can say that it is very possible. Good luck.
  19. Dani - I HATE eBay and Paypal. I stopped using...

    Dani - I HATE eBay and Paypal. I stopped using both

    Alty - So sorry about poor Jasper. My dogs are just like my children, I know how it feels when they are sick or hurting. I hope that he is pain...
  20. I have an interview next Thursday... let's hope...

    I have an interview next Thursday... let's hope it goes as well as the last with one exception... being that I get this job...
  21. Answers

    Yes, go to the ER. Hopefully they will perform an...

    Yes, go to the ER. Hopefully they will perform an ultrasound to make sure everything is as it should be. Good luck!
  22. Answers

    How do you know you are 8 weeks along? Was there...

    How do you know you are 8 weeks along? Was there an early ultrasound done where they saw sac in the uterus? Or was this just based on LMP? I agree with Dani, go to an ER or call your doc and ask for...
  23. How long ago did you start Depo? Are you breast...

    How long ago did you start Depo? Are you breast feeding?
    Hormonal birth control can mimick symptoms of PMS and pregnancy. Depo in particular can cause you to gain weight and increase breast size....
  24. Answers

    Yes. The lack of period is indicator of...

    Yes. The lack of period is indicator of pregnancy, not vice versa... might I suggest learning a bit more about how your bodies work before engaging in sexual activities again. Good luck.
  25. Answers

    As J-9 said, there is always a slim possibility...

    As J-9 said, there is always a slim possibility of becoming pregnant on any form of birth control, but before you start freaking out, test first. Mirena makes it incredibly difficult to become...
  26. Answers

    Not to mention you will hardly have time for work...

    Not to mention you will hardly have time for work AND school with a newborn... or even a toddler.
  27. Irregular periods are normal for all women from...

    Irregular periods are normal for all women from time to time. It is the LACK of a period that indicates pregnancy, not a lighter one. While some women do continue having a period throughout...
  28. Answers

    Breakthrough bleeding is common with birth...

    Breakthrough bleeding is common with birth control. I would say, given how long you have been on the pill, and that you weren't terribly late in starting the new pack, that you are probably safe....
  29. Answers

    Any time you have sex, whether you are protected...

    Any time you have sex, whether you are protected or not, there is a chance for pregnancy. How long ago was this? Plan B is meant to be taken as soon as you notice a problem with your contraception....
  30. Answers

    Did that person have open weeping sores? Did your...

    Did that person have open weeping sores? Did your baby have any open wounds (scratches, etc.)? If not, then I'd say you and your babyare safe.
  31. Answers

    The movie is Jane Eyre. It has been done many...

    The movie is Jane Eyre. It has been done many times, most recently in 2011. You are probably thinking of either the 1996 film or the older (and my personal favorite) 1943 film. I don't know which...
  32. You could try to use a blue enhancer. I had luck...

    You could try to use a blue enhancer. I had luck with this before. But I also had highlights. You can find them in a beauty supply store, in the same isle as the other color tubes. You will not find...
  33. Question: New Tatto

    by alkalineangel

    I love dragons. I have been wanting a japanese...

    I love dragons. I have been wanting a japanese style dragon weaving around my forearm.
  34. Question: New Tatto

    by alkalineangel

    Very nice! You must heal well! I can hardly see...

    Very nice! You must heal well! I can hardly see swelling for only two days old. I love the dragons in the center. The ones on the outside are nice as well, but that circular formation is lovely. They...
  35. Answers

    Alty - did you ever get this done? I just...

    Alty - did you ever get this done? I just submitted ideas to my artist last night for a new wrist piece. I am anxious for him to show me his interpretation of them. I am not getting anything near...
  36. It's common to have irregular periods when...

    It's common to have irregular periods when starting or coming off hormonal birth control. I would still talk to your doctor though if you are concerned. Many women have this very same issue, and it...
  37. Where I live, they over low cost spaying and...

    Where I live, they over low cost spaying and neutering as well as vaccinations. It is offered through our local humane society in an effort to keep more pets off the streets. Around twice a year,...
  38. Wow I've missed a lot in the few days I've been...

    Wow I've missed a lot in the few days I've been gone. :( Sorry to all of you who lost a furbaby. It is always rough, but as Alty said, we can always find room in our hearts to love another one day. ...
  39. Answers


  40. Answers

    OK I only asked because the first year off a...

    OK I only asked because the first year off a hormonal BC (2 years with the shot at times) can be a little unpredictable. It is possible that it is just too early to test. I know women well into their...
  41. Answers

    Go to your doctor and ask for a blood test. That...

    Go to your doctor and ask for a blood test. That being said, it is common for women to experience an irregular period now and then. Stress in particular can delay your AF. It could just be late. Are...
  42. Answers

    False positives on a HPT are pretty rare... not...

    False positives on a HPT are pretty rare... not to say it never happens, but they are rare. Depending on the blood test the doctor administered, it could have produced a false negative, which is...
  43. Yeah I went to school for animation at Purdue....

    Yeah I went to school for animation at Purdue. Ended up switching to Graphic and web design. I graduated and I worked for 3 years in the industry until the economy tanked, and now I work in a field...
  44. I have been working on a book for the better part...

    I have been working on a book for the better part of the year. I joke with my friends that the working title is "They don't sh*t rainbows and moonbeams: the Truth about parenting" I will probably...
  45. I would simply tell her that Jared is who would...

    I would simply tell her that Jared is who would assume this role should you need a sitter.
  46. Answers

    You can confirm a pregnancy with a home pregnancy...

    You can confirm a pregnancy with a home pregnancy test, or by going to the doctor for a blood test. You can avoid pregnancy by not having sex period. Any time there is intercourse, there is a chance...
  47. Answers

    Any time you have sex, protected or not, a...

    Any time you have sex, protected or not, a pregnancy is possible.

    It is possible the irregularity and other symptoms are just from coming of the patch. Are you actively Trying to conceive? What...
  48. Thanks AB, me too. Sorry your vacation is already...

    Thanks AB, me too. Sorry your vacation is already through. I can't wait until I can take mine. Lol. Haven't had one in 4 years! Can you call the little birds and chipmunks and squirrels like they do...
  49. Question: My symptoms

    by alkalineangel

    The only way to know if you are pregnant is to...

    The only way to know if you are pregnant is to take a HPT, have a blood test through your doctor, or have a doppler or ultrasound performed.

    If you had sex at the end of february/beginning of...
  50. It is very common to have continued or irregular...

    It is very common to have continued or irregular bleeding following the start of a hormonal birth control. I know from experience that the Depo shot in particular can cause extended periods. Once...
Results 1 to 50 of 500