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Type: Posts; User: HotHoneyVintage

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  1. Answers

    Thereis a lot of profession won't hire ex fellons...

    Thereis a lot of profession won't hire ex fellons because they are involve personal info like a nursing home or hospital but a nail tech? You are not dealing with personal information there's a...
  2. I don't know how to research human behaviors. How...

    I don't know how to research human behaviors. How do I do that? Even when you make efforts they just continually throw it in your face how its not good enough. I am sorry about your ex boyfriend and...
  3. Answers

    Well I think mosts of them will. I seen a lot of...

    Well I think mosts of them will. I seen a lot of men gets out of prison and they go into barbershop program or they open they're on shop. I seen it on A*E one time.
  4. Answers

    I read first chapter of this book and droppedit....

    I read first chapter of this book and droppedit. Just examples over and over again how really smart people gets ahead in life better than the rest. What else is new about that. Isn't that what...
  5. Well mayb these people should plan it better...

    Well mayb these people should plan it better right? I just notices a lot of people like you said don't plan on it, then when it happens they are shocked and crying, doesn't make sense to me. OK well...
  6. Well I know that is a job that you have but...

    Well I know that is a job that you have but really I think they needs to do a moratorium on births in this world. I don't see what the point is for everyone and anyone feel entitled to make babies. I...
  7. :) yes I know what it is I like that style of...

    :) yes I know what it is I like that style of music. Too bad the peoples today do not want to live like the 50s. Things would be so much easier to understand. Sigh. Everything is too fast today
  8. Do you help disabled ladies when they have a baby...

    Do you help disabled ladies when they have a baby then? Or just regulr women
  9. Answers

    Also you should make flashcards and quizzes...

    Also you should make flashcards and quizzes yourself the ones you fails on that is where u need to study. That is what I was taguht in school by the IEP people.
  10. Answers

    If your doing a test you need not to 'cram'...

    If your doing a test you need not to 'cram' because that NEVER works unless you have a photograph memory. You should have been studying days ago for this test you are expected to perform. Anyway if...
  11. Answers

    You probably has uncontrolled eating habit I bet...

    You probably has uncontrolled eating habit I bet if you replaces some of your selection with some other thing you would lose the weight. Why don't you go outside and do walking? Or you can just rides...
  12. It doesn't mean nothing. I don't think just that...

    It doesn't mean nothing. I don't think just that he smiles at people.
  13. Oh I forgot: people says if you dream the same...

    Oh I forgot: people says if you dream the same things constantly it mean its going eventually happen to you in real life. That's one of reason I am too scared go outside at night time too many crazy...
  14. Doula wwhat is that anyway like a midwife or a...

    Doula wwhat is that anyway like a midwife or a O.B. doctor?

    'they' I mean the people online that's what I read they say it's like 'predicting your own death' something like that. All my nightmares...
  15. Hey that is pretty neat w.g. they should not have...

    Hey that is pretty neat w.g. they should not have got rid of milkshake counter because that sounds like fun. Everything todoay mostly sucks its not like that anymore. Too bad because it sound like it...
  16. Well they say if the women have a really violent...

    Well they say if the women have a really violent nightmares over and over its going to probably happens in real life to them
  17. Audrey

  18. Just goes on Amazon and another good one online...

    Just goes on Amazon and another good one online is for textbooks but they have all kind of books
  19. Wondergirl I mean the cbts don't work like people...

    Wondergirl I mean the cbts don't work like people say it does but anyway the point of this is I am going quit the therapy next week either way. The end.
  20. If other women having violent type nightmares...

    If other women having violent type nightmares obviously I ask and wishes to read their response not just yours but anyone one else's feel they can relate to this problem and also why.
  21. It doesn't havenothing to do with it YOU'RE the...

    It doesn't havenothing to do with it YOU'RE the one that ask what have changed and that's what I answered. Again, I am not forcing you to 'share' with me and 'responds' to me etc. I don't know why...
  22. OK wondergirl it don't work but all right.

    OK wondergirl it don't work but all right.
  23. Judykaytee just because I keeps posting, fyi...

    Judykaytee just because I keeps posting, fyi doesn't mean I don't intends to quit the therapy which is what this thread about. I do intends to quit next week when I go to her.
  24. Just like ht guy say in the other thread if you...

    Just like ht guy say in the other thread if you having troubles in life and can't fix them then just live with it and leaves everyone else alone. Its true too.
  25. What change judytee is cannot control suicide...

    What change judytee is cannot control suicide thoughts it is simply too much handle and I really feels I am done trying it is just too much for one persons. I don't cares that cbts and therapy work...
  26. w.g. u think u can just waltzes in and fixes your...

    w.g. u think u can just waltzes in and fixes your clients life with cbts therapy? Well guess what if u can't do it and it won't work and they are just failures all the way around? Then what?
  27. Face it there's just no hopes for some of the...

    Face it there's just no hopes for some of the population that's mentally ill. There's only one option for them and it doesn't matter what people say its just going to keep going around to the same...
  28. No I'm saying to leave I am saying I would rather...

    No I'm saying to leave I am saying I would rather go kills myself then continue on with this crap. My life is not going anywheres it doesn't matter what I do or say and I am tired of trying.
  29. Oh well it doesn't matter. Nothing matter anymore...

    Oh well it doesn't matter. Nothing matter anymore either way
  30. OK chuck well I will just quits it then. I don't...

    OK chuck well I will just quits it then. I don't care anymore
  31. I couldn't care less about being miserable and...

    I couldn't care less about being miserable and affect people around me. That's how I am anyway and therapy isn't going to change that. Far as I'm concerned people can all go rot in the ground
  32. Tk russell I'm not trying to get people here to...

    Tk russell I'm not trying to get people here to change their mind and say I should quits the therapy. Nobody is obligated to answer if they're so annoyed by it all. Obviously I know the 2 choices I...
  33. OK I understand now. Sigh. But ijust can't do it...

    OK I understand now. Sigh. But ijust can't do it so maybe just consider quitting therapy since I can't do that?
  34. How much do your therapists really need to know

    OK how much do they REALLY needto know so they can do their job? It's not like youwants to tell them something have them think uour a wacko right. Do you really need tell them EVERYTHING. Even if its...
  35. w.g. OK so now you have help the woman with the...

    w.g. OK so now you have help the woman with the bill paying OCD but I don't think cbts work for everyone I really don't think so. Ihave a OCD also but its not like hers, I think I leave the stove on...
  36. Aurora yes its true I have problem socializing...

    Aurora yes its true I have problem socializing and I don't even know how to get a date to go on one in the first place. I guess other girls is just born with this knowledge and I got skipped in this...
  37. Aurora ty for sharing your story. What happen to...

    Aurora ty for sharing your story. What happen to your ex boyfriend son? Why couldn't you live with him? I thought one time to foster dogs but don't u have to give them back if somebody want to buy...
  38. W.g. thank you for the book idea I will check it...

    W.g. thank you for the book idea I will check it out. That is so funny how there's no TV on at night and only a few channels, LOL. But I guess that was all you had back then. Did you have a radio and...
  39. Chuck I didn't grows up in a orphanage and that...

    Chuck I didn't grows up in a orphanage and that is really sad since you did.but I know what it is like having people buy things and that's suppose to be love I guess. I don't really want to talk...
  40. Handyman the fact that you say ' a little issue...

    Handyman the fact that you say ' a little issue with self importance' demonstrate you really know nothing about me. So I take whatever u have to say with a grain of salt thereafter.
  41. Were u alive in the 50s w.g. If so tell me about...

    Were u alive in the 50s w.g. If so tell me about that time. What u ate, watched, wore, and listen to. What was life like then?
  42. Do any other women have violent nightmares?

    Do any other women's on here have violents nightmares regularly? I mean that you are being chase, kidnapped, or held against your will by some maniac man? Is that normal? I feels in such a panic like...
  43. I don't gives ALL my real information on the...

    I don't gives ALL my real information on the internets because there's crazies out there and male stalkers sometime I swtiches things around too. I have a dog is all I will say about that. Anyway I...
  44. All my life. Yes.

    All my life. Yes.
  45. w.g. oh OK. Well I reads somewhere about these...

    w.g. oh OK. Well I reads somewhere about these people come to your home and if theydecide you cannot live on your own for safety they will contact authorities andhave you remove. Sigh. Yes we can go...
  46. Do other women getafraid to go outside at nights because

    Do any other women lives alone and are too afraid to go outside at nights because your afraid you may get kidnapped, raped, or murder? Is that normal? That is reason why when it start getting dark I...
  47. Why you wants jeanette to come to my home? U want...

    Why you wants jeanette to come to my home? U want her to try and get me into a 'nut house?' or public mental facility :( I am not going to live in that type of place. I like living by myself. I can...
  48. I don't think that lady come to your house, she...

    I don't think that lady come to your house, she just telling me she have an office I could probably go to. I have not contact her since though... thelady from easter seal is the one that come to your...
  49. Too bad I don't lives near you I could bring the...

    Too bad I don't lives near you I could bring the cats to your place so you can play with them there and then takes them back. Sigh. The independence living near your house sound like a nice place, it...
  50. w.g. I'm just going off what she tell in the...

    w.g. I'm just going off what she tell in the meetings. And she said my thoughts control behaviors and I need change my thoughts but I can't do it :( I am not going to bother anymore mostly I goes to...
Results 1 to 50 of 254