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Type: Posts; User: Paperpuu01

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  1. I know it been years, but I'm back to happily...

    I know it been years, but I'm back to happily report that I've finally figured it out
    The show in question is called, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH NEIL?", it's an episode from a Canadian anthology series,...
  2. Thank you, that's a good idea! I'll try that! ...

    Thank you, that's a good idea! I'll try that! Thanks so much for your help, hopefully I can come up with a title for this!
  3. Ginger-ale and peanut butter and brussel sprout sandwiches - 80s kids TV movie

    Looking for a 80s kids (probably TV) movie/afterschool special that I saw at a very young age.

    A grade school kid embarrasses himself at school in front of the girl he likes, so he pretends to be...
Results 1 to 3 of 5